2024 Facilities Referendum
As the oldest district in Dane County, MMSD has many aging facilities. Twenty-six of our schools were built 60 plus years ago. Some of those buildings were not built to last this long, and we are seeing that now with some of the critical needs we have to address.
The 2024 facilities referendum, if approved, will renovate 10 schools across seven sites. Construction would last five years, over three phases, beginning in 2026.
The facilities referendum is about equipping our students with the tools and spaces they need to thrive. This includes things like:
- Modernizing essential infrastructure
- Air conditioning
- Heating improvements
- Sustainable learning environments
- Accessibility
- Creating inspiring learning spaces that foster creativity and innovation
Facilities Referendum: $507 million
$27 Estimated Monthly Tax Bill Impact on the Average Madison Home for 23 years.
7 Sites (10 Schools) included in the 2024 Referenda
The 2024 facilities referendum, will renovate 10 schools across seven sites.
High Level Concepts
Below are high level concepts developed to help begin the discussion on the design process. MMSD will continue to work with all impacted stakeholders to gather information for the final designs.
Facilities Referendum FAQs
- What is the actual wording of the facilities referendum ballot question?
- Why does the facilities referendum focus on elementary and middle schools?
- Doesn't the district have an operating budget for facility improvement?
- How were decisions regarding whether to renovate or replace made?
- How were the schools chosen for replacement and renovation?
- How many school sites are planned to be worked on each year?
- What is the construction timeline?
- Why are new/renovated schools necessary?
- Given the number of schools with “C” building grades, will there be repeated capital referendums on the ballot over the next several years?
- How will MMSD ensure that community resources are spent equitably, including among diverse contractors and workers?
- Would schools operating at less than capacity be considered for closure or consolidation?
- How will teacher and staff input be collected and incorporated in the designs of the new buildings?
- How will the district ensure smooth transitions to the new buildings, once they're ready?
- Why have school boundaries not been addressed in decades to improve attendance in underutilized buildings?
- Why did MMSD expand some of its least-diverse schools (Van Hise/Hamilton) with the 2015 referendum, rather than use discretion in nearby buildings?
- Will the new spaces be available for rental?
- How many schools have updated, monitored and controlled entrances?
- Why do the numbers detailed in the Facilities Condition Assessment not match those in the July 6 BOE memo & facilities question?
- When do the tax increases stop?