Frequently Asked Questions
A Community Process
This FAQ page has been informed by months of community feedback we have gathered via engagement sessions, Let's Talk submissions, and individual and group conversations with district stakeholders.
We encourage you to check back often, as we will continue to update this page as questions are received.
- Why is a referendum necessary?
- Why are there two referendum questions?
- How much funding is the district seeking in these referendums?
- How do the operations and facilities referendums work together?
- Are these referendum questions at all related to the one that the City of Madison plans to put on the November ballot?
- Will the district have to go to referendum every time it needs money?
- How do these referendums benefit people who don’t have children in MMSD?
- Are enrollment and school capacity being considered along with consolidation?
- How do vouchers and charter schools impact MMSD?
- Does MMSD get shortchanged by the state in terms of funding?
- How have state funding levels changed since 2000?
- Has MMSD paid off the last referendum?
- What can Wisconsin residents do to break the constant cycle of referendums?
- What do projected enrollments look like?
- How many MMSD employees actually live in Madison?
- What percentage of MMSD staff do administrators comprise?
- Is the operations referendum permanent and the facilities referendum limited?
- Does the higher amount of state aid increase district funding?
- Does enrollment impact state aid?
Why is a referendum necessary?
Why are there two referendum questions?
How much funding is the district seeking in these referendums?
How do the operations and facilities referendums work together?
Are these referendum questions at all related to the one that the City of Madison plans to put on the November ballot?
Will the district have to go to referendum every time it needs money?
How do these referendums benefit people who don’t have children in MMSD?
Are enrollment and school capacity being considered along with consolidation?
How do vouchers and charter schools impact MMSD?
Does MMSD get shortchanged by the state in terms of funding?
How have state funding levels changed since 2000?
Has MMSD paid off the last referendum?
What can Wisconsin residents do to break the constant cycle of referendums?
What do projected enrollments look like?
How many MMSD employees actually live in Madison?
What percentage of MMSD staff do administrators comprise?
Is the operations referendum permanent and the facilities referendum limited?
Does the higher amount of state aid increase district funding?
Does enrollment impact state aid?
Operations Referendum
- What is the actual wording of the operations referendum ballot question?
- What is the purpose of the operations referendum?
- Are employee wages tied to the referendum?
- What will be the tax impact associated with the passage of the operations referendum?
- Why is the operations referendum structured in the way that it is?
- One of the District's stated goals of the operations question is the "attraction and retention of world-class educators" ... how will this referendum help that?
- Would the additional 2.06% wage increase apply to all staff, or teachers only?
- Will the operations referendum support the whole district or only specific schools?
- Does the Board have the authority to exceed the amounts specified in the operations question in any given year?
- Of MMSD's 4K sites, how many are full-day vs. half-day?
What is the actual wording of the operations referendum ballot question?
What is the purpose of the operations referendum?
Are employee wages tied to the referendum?
What will be the tax impact associated with the passage of the operations referendum?
Why is the operations referendum structured in the way that it is?
One of the District's stated goals of the operations question is the "attraction and retention of world-class educators" ... how will this referendum help that?
Would the additional 2.06% wage increase apply to all staff, or teachers only?
Will the operations referendum support the whole district or only specific schools?
Does the Board have the authority to exceed the amounts specified in the operations question in any given year?
Of MMSD's 4K sites, how many are full-day vs. half-day?
Facilities Referendum
- What is the actual wording of the facilities referendum ballot question?
- Why does the facilities referendum focus on elementary and middle schools?
- Doesn't the district have an operating budget for facility improvement?
- How were decisions regarding whether to renovate or replace made?
- How were the schools chosen for replacement and renovation?
- How many school sites are planned to be worked on each year?
- What is the construction timeline?
- Why are new/renovated schools necessary?
- Given the number of schools with “C” building grades, will there be repeated capital referendums on the ballot over the next several years?
- How will MMSD ensure that community resources are spent equitably, including among diverse contractors and workers?
- Would schools operating at less than capacity be considered for closure or consolidation?
- How will teacher and staff input be collected and incorporated in the designs of the new buildings?
- How will the district ensure smooth transitions to the new buildings, once they're ready?
- Why have school boundaries not been addressed in decades to improve attendance in underutilized buildings?
- Why did MMSD expand some of its least-diverse schools (Van Hise/Hamilton) with the 2015 referendum, rather than use discretion in nearby buildings?
- Will the new spaces be available for rental?
- How many schools have updated, monitored and controlled entrances?
- Why do the numbers detailed in the Facilities Condition Assessment not match those in the July 6 BOE memo & facilities question?
- When do the tax increases stop?
What is the actual wording of the facilities referendum ballot question?
Why does the facilities referendum focus on elementary and middle schools?
Doesn't the district have an operating budget for facility improvement?
How were decisions regarding whether to renovate or replace made?
How were the schools chosen for replacement and renovation?
How many school sites are planned to be worked on each year?
What is the construction timeline?
Why are new/renovated schools necessary?
Given the number of schools with “C” building grades, will there be repeated capital referendums on the ballot over the next several years?
How will MMSD ensure that community resources are spent equitably, including among diverse contractors and workers?
Would schools operating at less than capacity be considered for closure or consolidation?
How will teacher and staff input be collected and incorporated in the designs of the new buildings?
How will the district ensure smooth transitions to the new buildings, once they're ready?
Why have school boundaries not been addressed in decades to improve attendance in underutilized buildings?
Why did MMSD expand some of its least-diverse schools (Van Hise/Hamilton) with the 2015 referendum, rather than use discretion in nearby buildings?
Will the new spaces be available for rental?
How many schools have updated, monitored and controlled entrances?
Why do the numbers detailed in the Facilities Condition Assessment not match those in the July 6 BOE memo & facilities question?
When do the tax increases stop?
Additional Resources
Below are some additional resources related to the 2024 referendum. For additional questions or request, please submit them using the 2024 referendum Let's Talk form.
- MMSD Strategic Framework
- 2023 Condition Report
- MMSD Long Range Facilities Plan
- June 6th Memo: Recommendations to Build New or Renovate MMSD Facilities Considered for Potential Referendum 2024
- Campaign Finance Committee Registration Statement
- Learn About the 2020 Future Ready Referenda
- Referendum Glossary