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Madison Metropolitan School District

Board of Education

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About the Board of Education

The Madison Board of Education is a seven-member policymaking body. Members are elected in April to serve staggered three-year terms in office. Our Strategic Framework lays out a roadmap for our work. 

Regular Board meetings are generally held on the last Monday of the month, beginning at 6 p.m. Special meetings and work groups typically hold meetings one a month.

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Contact the Board of Education

To reach all seven board members, please use the following group e-mail address:

All Board of Education members will receive your email and may use it to inform their decisions and/or actions. 

Please know that a member of the Superintendent’s Team will receive and may respond to emails sent to this address. 

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Meeting Agendas and Notices

All Meeting Agendas and notices are hosted on BoardDocs (updated at noon on Fridays).

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Board Policies

All board policies are hosted on BoardDocs.

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Board Meeting Access

You can watch/listen to virtual meetings at the Madison Board of Education YouTube Channel. An archive of meetings is available as well. The community is invited to attend meetings in person at the Doyle Administration Building. Details about speaking to the Board or providing written comments during public input time are available on our website.

Upcoming Meetings

December 2024
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Sunday, December 1
Monday, December 2
Tuesday, December 3
Wednesday, December 4
Thursday, December 5
Friday, December 6
Saturday, December 7
Sunday, December 8
Monday, December 9
Tuesday, December 10
Wednesday, December 11
Thursday, December 12
Friday, December 13
Saturday, December 14
Sunday, December 15
Monday, December 16
Tuesday, December 17
Wednesday, December 18
Thursday, December 19
Friday, December 20
Saturday, December 21
Sunday, December 22
Monday, December 23
Tuesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 25
Thursday, December 26
Friday, December 27
Saturday, December 28
Sunday, December 29
Monday, December 30
Tuesday, December 31
Wednesday, January 1
Thursday, January 2
Friday, January 3
Saturday, January 4

Our Mission: Every school will be a thriving school that prepares every student to graduate from high school college, career and community ready.

Board of Education Members

To reach all seven board members, please use the following group e-mail address: Members of the Madison Board of Education are elected in April and serve staggered three-year terms.

Board of Education Standing Work Groups

Previous Board of Education Ad Hoc Committees

Board of Education News and Weekly Updates

This week's update include a letter from Superintendent Dr. Gothard, answers to board members' questions, 2024- 2025 First Quarter Financials, proposed consent agenda, great things happening around MMSD, upcoming Board calendar, and WASB Policy Perspectives.

This week's update include a letter from Superintendent Dr. Gothard. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; restraint and seclusion reporting; great things happening around MMSD; upcoming Board calendar; Policy Perspectives.

This week's update include a letter from Superintendent Dr. Gothard. Other updates include the medical advisory team recording and agenda; great things happening around MMSD; upcoming Board calendar; and Madison's housing data, challenges and opportunities.

This week's update include a letter from Superintendent Dr. Gothard. Other updates include a MEP report release; a construction update; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Superintendent Dr. Gothard. Other updates include a high-intensity partnerships update; a construction update; great things happening around MMSD; upcoming Board calendar; and WASBO Policy Perspectives.

This week's update include a letter from Superintendent Dr. Gothard. Other updates includes answers to Board members' questions;  a construction update; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Superintendent Dr. Gothard. Other information includes a construction update; great things happening around MMSD; upcoming Board calendar; and WASB Policy Perspectives.

This week's update include a letter from Superintendent Dr. Gothard. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; Southside naming ad hoc committee membership update; medical advisory team recording and agenda; a construction update; proposed consent agenda; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include a human resources update; 21st Century Learning Center award grant from DPI to La Follette High School; facilities recommendations memo; construction update; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include quarter 3 financials; on-track to graduation implementation; construction update; great things happening around MMSD; upcoming Board calendar; and WASB Policy Perspectives.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; Q3 quarterly review of progress; edits to the Long Range Facilities Plan; transportation letter preview; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include the 2024 Long Range Facilities Update; construction update; proposed consent agenda; great things happening around MMSD; upcoming Board calendar; and WSAB Policy Perspectives.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad and Board meeting timeline. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; ESSA identification update; budget amendment process; new CTE middle school discovery program; construction update; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; information requests; construction update; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; Instruction Work Group agenda changes; construction update; community feedback; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; Memorial ASE accreditation; construction update; community feedback; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; quarter 2 financials; Quarter 2 quarterly review of progress; salary compression; transportation updates; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; medical advisory team meeting information; construction updates; transportation updates; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; a human resources update; construction updates; transportation updates; proposed consent agenda; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include answers to Board members' questions; construction updates; transportation updates; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This weeks' update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates include a salary compression memo and compensation study update; construction update; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update includes a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad and answers to Board members' questions. Other information includes the proposed consent agenda; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This weeks' update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates includes answers to Board members' questions; construction update; WI Adult School Crossing Guard recognition week; annual notice to school staff on adoption resources; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This week's update includes a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad; Dan Nerad Memorial invitation; construction update; transportation update; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.

This weeks' update include a letter from Interim Superintendent Kvistad. Other updates includes answers to Board members' questions; Edgewood College collaborative memo; construction update; great things happening around MMSD; and upcoming Board calendar.