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Madison Metropolitan School District

Southside Elementary School Naming Process


Thanks to the community’s investment in our public schools during the 2020 referendum, the district constructed a new elementary school connected to Badger Rock Middle School. The new school, which opened fall 2023, has temporarily been called Southside Elementary until a permanent name is chosen. 

This web page has been created to keep the community informed of our work as we progress through the naming process for the new elementary school in the Rimrock area. We will use typical communication channels to keep our district informed of updates -- including newsletters, website, social media, etc. Targeted communications will be sent to the Southside Elementary school community.

Public input

Public input will continue for the entire naming process via the form on this web page. Meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee will be publicly noticed on BoardDocs and broadcast via the MMSD Board of Education YouTube channel in the same way that all other open Board meetings are shared.

Meeting Notice

Ad Hoc Committee meeting dates/times, agendas, and minutes are published on BoardDocs.

View meeting agendas and notices

Meetings are also broadcast on the Board of Education's YouTube channel.

Watch meetings on YouTube

Submit comments on the below proposed names

We received 175 naming proposals in the submission timeframes. As outlined in Board policy 6700, we have opened a 30-day window for comments on the submitted names. You are invited to review the proposals and submit feedback using the form below.

Naming Proposals (175)

  • Proposal Submission Window (Original): 8 a.m. February 7, 2023 through 8 a.m. March 9, 2023. 
  • Additional Submission Opportunity: 8 a.m. April 16, 2024 through 10 p.m. April 30, 2024

To submit feedback, please use this web form.


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Naming Updates