Southside Elementary School Naming Process
Thanks to the community’s investment in our public schools during the 2020 referendum, the district constructed a new elementary school connected to Badger Rock Middle School. The new school, which opened fall 2023, has temporarily been called Southside Elementary until a permanent name is chosen.
This web page has been created to keep the community informed of our work as we progress through the naming process for the new elementary school in the Rimrock area. We will use typical communication channels to keep our district informed of updates -- including newsletters, website, social media, etc. Targeted communications will be sent to the Southside Elementary school community.
Public input
Public input will continue for the entire naming process via the form on this web page. Meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee will be publicly noticed on BoardDocs and broadcast via the MMSD Board of Education YouTube channel in the same way that all other open Board meetings are shared.
Meeting Notice
Ad Hoc Committee meeting dates/times, agendas, and minutes are published on BoardDocs.
View meeting agendas and notices
Meetings are also broadcast on the Board of Education's YouTube channel.
Submit comments on the below proposed names
We received 175 naming proposals in the submission timeframes. As outlined in Board policy 6700, we have opened a 30-day window for comments on the submitted names. You are invited to review the proposals and submit feedback using the form below.
Naming Proposals (175)
- Proposal Submission Window (Original): 8 a.m. February 7, 2023 through 8 a.m. March 9, 2023.
- Additional Submission Opportunity: 8 a.m. April 16, 2024 through 10 p.m. April 30, 2024
- 1. South Elementary
- 2. Badger Elementary
- 3. Barack Obama Elementary
- 4. Schooly McSchoolface
- 5. Gene Parks
- 6. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary
- 7. Nine Springs Elementary
- 8. Nine Springs Elementary
- 9. Capitol Springs Elementary
- 10. Eddy’s House
- 11. Hope Elementary School
- 12. Beth Steffan Elementary School
- 13. Martin Luther King Jr, Elementary School
- 14. Milton McPike
- 15. Crispus Attucks Educational Institute
- 16. Thorton Wilder Elementary
- 17. Daisy Elementary School
- 18. Choose a celestial or natural feature, such as sandstone, glacier, meteor, starlight, freshwater, or a Native American term for a land feature or celestial object. Do not choose the name of a person.
- 19. Betty Franklin-Hammonds Elementary School
- 20. Clyde Stubblefield Elementary School
- 21. Pleasant Rowland
- 22. Badger Rock Elementary
- 23. Stephanie Bernard
- 24. Judge James Martin Elementary School
- 25 Big Chungus Elementary
- 26. Badger Rock
- 27. Rachel Carson
- 28. Tenia Jenkins Academy of Excellence
- 29. Fred Rogers Elementary School
- 30. Rimrock Elementary School
- 31. Ruby Bridges Elementary (Bridges Elementary)
- 32. Zona Gale Elementary
- 33. Milt McPike Elementary
- 34. Wayne Strong Elementary
- 35. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
- 36. Lori Mann Elementary
- 37. Lori Mann
- 38. Lori Mann Carey
- 39. Lori Mann Carey
- 40. Lori Mann
- 41. Southside Achievers Elementary School
- 42. Lori Mann
- 43. Lori Mann
- 44. Lori Mann
- 45. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
- 46. Lori Mann Carey ES
- 47. Toni Morrison Elementary School
- 48. Lori Mann
- 49. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
- 50. Lori Mann
- 51. Lori Mann
- 52. Lori Mann
- 53. Lori Mann
- 54. Christine Hodge Elementary School or Hodge Elementary School
- 55. Lori Mann Cari
- 56. Lori Mann-Carey
- 57. Lori Mann Carey
- 58. Lori Mann
- 59. Lori Mann Middle School
- 60. Harriet Tubman Elementary
- 61. Lori Mann
- 62. Equity Elementary School
- 63. Mapleside Elementary
- 64. Shirley Abrahamson
- 65. Badger Rock Elementary School
- 66. Judith “Judy” Heumann Elementary School
- 67. The Shirley School
- 68. Gene Parks elementary
- 69. South Palace Elementary
- 70. Escuela nueva vida
- 71. Please extend the deadline and bring current Allis students into this process.
- 72. Edson Arantes do Nascimento Elementary
- 73. Autherine Juanita Lucy Elementary
- 74. Irene Cara Escalera Elementary
- 75 Pelé Elementary
- 76. Lori Mann Carey
- 77. Shirley Abrahamson Elementary School
- 78. Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
- 79. Geraldine Bernard Elementary School
- 80. The Madisonian Academy
- 81. Richard Davis
- 82. Bernard Elementary School
- 83. FuelOrCrutch elementary
- 84. Jean Penn Elementary
- 85. Juan Jose Lopez elementary
- 86. Ada Deer Elementary School
- 87. Capital Springs Elementary School
- 88. Evers Elementary
- 89. Lori Mann Carey Elementary or LMC elementary
- 90. Otis Redding Elementary School
- 91. Gaylord Nelson Elementary
- 92. Gene Parks
- 93. Mitchell Red Cloud
- 94. Southside community elementary school
- 95. Willard Earl LaMere
- 96. Saundra Brown
- 97. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
- 98. Stephanie a. Bernard
- 99. Chris Farley Elementary
- 100. Lori Mann Carey
- 101. Lori Mann Elemntary
- 102. Southside
- 103. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
- 104. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
- 105. Johnothon Roberts Elementary School
- 106. Lori Mann
- 107. Lori Mann Elementary
- 108. Southside
- 109. Lori Mann
- 110. Lori Mann Elementary
- 111. Lori Mann
- 112. (Lori Mann) Carey Elementary
- 113. Dr. Gloria Ladsin-Billings
- 114. LORI MANN
- 115. Lori Mann Elementary
- 116. Glory of the Morning Elementary School
- 117. Lori Mann Carey elementary school
- 118. Lori Mann Elementary
- 119. Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
- 120. Badger Rock Elementary
- 121. Kolby Lee
- 122. Geraldine Bernard Elementary
- 123. Lori Mann
- 124. Lori mann elementary school
- 125. Ersie Green elementary
- 126. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
- 127. Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
- 128. Lori Mann
- 129. Milton McPike
- 130. Lori Mann Carey
- 131. Lori Mann Elementary
- 132. Andreal Davis elementary
- 133. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
- 134. Lori Mann Carey
- 135. Sunnydale
- 136. Lori Mann Elementary
- 137. Emmett Till Elementary
- 138. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- 139. Hawk Elementary
- 140. Marlene Ann Cummings Elementary School
- 141. Badger II Elem. or Badger 2 Elem. School
- 142. Southside Community School
- 143. Marlene A. Cummings Elementary School
- 144. Ada Elizabeth Deer
- 145. Harriet Tubman
- 146. Goodman Elementary
- 147. Goodman
- 148. Earsie Green
- 149. Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
- 150. Richard Davis elementary school
- 151. Lori Mann Carey Elementary school
- 152. Walden
- 153. Lori Mann Carey
- 154. James Jackson
- 155. RBG Elementary
- 156. Richard Davis Elementary School
- 157. Brightview Elementary
- 158. Bell Hooks Elementary
- 159. RockSide Elementary
- 160. Neutral Link Elementary
- 161. John Hill Elementary
- 162. Helen McLean Elementary - or - Geraldine Bernard Elementary
- 163. Rock Elementary
- 164. Bader Ginsburg Elementary
- 165. Southside Elementary
- 166. Southside
- 167. Nine Springs Elementary
- 168. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School
- 169. Sunnyside
- 170. Woodland Elementary School
- 171. Schooley McSchoolface
- 172. Juan José López Elementary School
- 173. Stephenie Bernard elementary
- 174. Schooly McSchoolerson
- 175. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
1. South Elementary
Proposal # 1
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Brent Nicastro
Q. What is the proposed name?
South Elementary
Q. Into which of these categories does the proposed name fall?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
Madison's south side is unique and has its own identity. Rather than trying to identify a single individual to name the school after, it seems to me a better option is to simply name it for the area it will serve.
2. Badger Elementary
Proposal # 2
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Christopher J. Kox
Q. What is the proposed name?
Badger Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Badger Road, Badger State -- it is the one identity we all share.
3. Barack Obama Elementary
Proposal # 3
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Mary Drifke
Q. What is the proposed name?
Barack Obama Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Former President and first President of color.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
[No answer provided]
4. Schooly McSchoolface
Proposal # 4
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Matthew Shelver
Q. What is the proposed name?
Schooly McSchoolface
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Proposing 'Blanky McBlankface' in any crowdsourcing effort for the name of a public space or item has become a cherished internet tradition in the last several years.
5. Gene Parks
Proposal # 5
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Candace Mooney
Q. What is the proposed name?
Gene Parks
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
He stood up and spoke out for African Americans in Madison
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
[No answer provided]
6. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary
Proposal # 6
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Karen Oneil
Q. What is the proposed name?
Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
He led the civil rights movement in the 60s.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Martin Luther King, Junior was the most prominent civil rights leader in the 60s. Because the population of this new school consists largely of black and brown students, and because the school is being built as a neighborhood school so the students don’t have to be bussed several miles away, it seems very fitting to name it after him. I don’t think anyone would question why the school had this name.
7. Nine Springs Elementary
Proposal # 7
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Kevin Konieczko - homeowner in area
Q. What is the proposed name?
Nine Springs Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Place of local significance
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
The Lewis Nine Springs E-way runs along the boundary of the neighborhood this new school is being built in. Tying the school (and Badger Rock, to some extent) to this feature also ties it in to the history of the area and the environmentalism that was being espoused with the establishment of the Nine Springs E-way
8. Nine Springs Elementary
Proposal # 8
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Blair Nicoly
Q. What is the proposed name?
Nine Springs Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
The Lewis Nine Springs E-way runs along the boundary of the neighborhood this new school is being built in. Tying the school (and Badger Rock, to some extent) to this feature also ties it in to the history of the area and the environmentalism that was being espoused with the establishment of the Nine Springs E-way
9. Capitol Springs Elementary
Proposal # 9
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Blair Nicoly
Q. What is the proposed name?
Capitol Springs Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
[No answer provided]
10. Eddy’s House
Proposal # 10
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Gail Bailey
Q. What is the proposed name?
Eddy’s House
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Eddy attended UW Madison and was the Valedictorian of his class 2000. He died of bacterial meningitis while at UW but his entire life was about reading and learning.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
The significance of Eddy to the Madison Metro School District is that he loved learning like no other child!! He began reading very early in his life before he entered school. He shared his love of reading and learning with all others!!
At his funeral, many of his high school friends said he helped them learn math when they were failing and they graduated because of him.
In 4th grade at his school conference his teacher told us there was a boy in the class that no one could teach except for Eddy. So his teacher said she hoped we didn’t mind that she let Eddy teach Demetrius for 1 hour each school day!
He loved Madison too and learning. He was chosen to go to College for Kids at UW Madison when he was in elementary school. His love of learning was unprecedented. I have his many academic awards hanging in his bedroom.
His biggest gift of all was his kindness though. He would be the best symbol of love for learning for that school, even though he grew up in Jefferson. He’s a role model for every school in my opinion.
He was 6’4, 245 lbs and a gentle giant. He read through the night many nights!
He told me as a freshman in high school that he wanted to be his class of 2000 valedictorian, and he did just that. We were in awe of him, but he was humble and kind.
When I was in the throes of grief and could not understand his death, my sister said “it’s because Eddy had figured out life and lived the way we are all supposed to live.”
On his scholarship application in high school he stated “I know I am young and have a lot to learn, but I have already learned that we are here for the purpose of helping others.”
This school and staff would be proud to be named after Eddy because his love of learning was infectious. He had been bullied some in his younger years, but it made him even kinder.
He started the chess club at his school and many children have learned chess because of Eddy. His headstone has a giant King chess piece because he was the embodiment of love and learning. We called him our King of Hearts.
His passing from bacterial meningitis while a student at UW Madison was and is unfathomable but even in death Eddy was teaching through us as we worked hard to get two laws passed to protect the children in Wisconsin from meningitis. He would insist we do that!
Thank you for considering Eddy!!
11. Hope Elementary School
Proposal # 11
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Carter Cruz
Q. What is the proposed name?
Hope Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Hope is a uniquely American ideal that is represented well in Madison. Mass shootings terrorize our nation but there is still hope. Hope is such an amazing thing and our children deserve that feeling. The name of this school should be a promise to our children, our future.
12. Beth Steffan Elementary School
Proposal # 12
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Sam, Laura & Joshua Weyenberg
Q. What is the proposed name?
Beth Steffan Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Beth Steffan motivated, supported and inspired countless students in the MMSD. Her leadership, and dedication, at all levels, brought meaningful positive developments in both the lives of students and within the school system. She possessed a real talent for seeing the strengths and positives in others and meaningfully connecting with those around her.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
[No answer provided]
13. Martin Luther King Jr, Elementary School
Proposal # 13
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Anthony P Mazzara
Q. What is the proposed name?
Martin Luther King Jr, Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Equal Rights for all
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
An important figure for the rights of the people
14. Milton McPike
Proposal # 14
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Connie Bushee
Q. What is the proposed name?
Milton McPike
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Mr. McPike was a fantastic mentor to many students in the Madison School district
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
[No answer provided]
15. Crispus Attucks Educational Institute
Proposal # 15
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Paul Vornholt
Q. What is the proposed name?
Crispus Attucks Educational Institute
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Often known as the first American killed during the revolution. He was a person of color that stood side by side with the people of Boston to declare their wish for freedom. It is time that he be remembered as the icon he should have always been known as.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
[No answer provided]
16. Thorton Wilder Elementary
Proposal # 16
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Elise Johnson (neighbor to the school)
Q. What is the proposed name?
Thorton Wilder Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Thornton Wilder (1897–1975), born in Madison, WI, was an American playwright and novelist. He won three Pulitzer Prizes — for the novel The Bridge of San Luis Rey and for the plays Our Town and The Skin of Our Teeth — and a U.S. National Book Award for the novel The Eighth Day.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
[No answer provided]
17. Daisy Elementary School
Proposal # 17
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Diane Schwartz
Q. What is the proposed name?
Daisy Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
With soft white petals, daisies represent purity. Furthermore, daisies often bring up the image of children picking wildflower bouquets in an open field. Today, daisies are tossed by wedding flower girls to symbolize love’s purity.
Along with symbolizing innocence, daisies also symbolize childbirth. They’re commonly given to new parents as a way to welcome their children into the world.
New Beginnings
Daisies are a great reminder that we all need a fresh start every once in a while. If you have a friend that is graduating, moving, or going through another big life change, send a bouquet of daisies their way. The cheerful flowers will remind them to keep a good attitude as they head into something new.
Whether you’re picking white and yellow oxeye daisies or pink Gerbera daisies, these delicate flowers will make you smile. Giving someone a bouquet of daisies is a good way to brighten their day.
18. Choose a celestial or natural feature, such as sandstone, glacier, meteor, starlight, freshwater, or a Native American term for a land feature or celestial object. Do not choose the name of a person.
Proposal # 18
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Annette Talis
Q. What is the proposed name?
Choose a celestial or natural feature, such as sandstone, glacier, meteor, starlight, freshwater, or a Native American term for a land feature or celestial object. Do not choose the name of a person.
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
Choosing the names of individuals and renaming schools is always a biased troubling process. The notion of whom to honor is in the eyes of individuals. All people have flaws and will have historical baggage if someone wants to characterize them as dishonorable. The land and its geology is timeless or relevant for a longer period of time, at any rate.
19. Betty Franklin-Hammonds Elementary School
Proposal # 19
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Betty Franklin-Hammonds
Q. What is the proposed name?
Betty Franklin-Hammonds Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
This is a record in the US Congressional records.
Mr. FEINGOLD. On April 28th, Madison lost a dedicated advocate and a dear friend: Betty Franklin-Hammonds.
Betty's life story is a catalogue of remarkable achievements. Her tenure as the executive director of the Madison Urban League included spearheading a study on the gap in achievement between black and white students in the Madison school system.
But it was her character which defined Betty and made her such a powerful presence in our community. She was a truth-teller who never backed down from a fight, a woman who led by example and wasn't shy about asking others to make the commitment to change she demanded from herself.
Betty was a unique combination of quiet dignity and a fierce passion for justice. She worked tirelessly, as a social worker, at the Madison chapter of the NAACP, at the Urban League, and at the Madison Times, to make our city a better city.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Recorded in the U.S. Congressional Records
Mr. FEINGOLD. On April 28th, Madison lost a dedicated advocate and a dear friend: Betty Franklin-Hammonds.
Betty's life story is a catalogue of remarkable achievements. From her tenure as the executive director of the Madison Urban League, where she spearheaded a study on the gap in achievement between black and white students in the Madison school system, to her leadership at the Madison Times and the numerous awards she received for her work, there are countless examples of Betty's effectiveness as an advocate in the community.
But it was her character, more than any title or award, that defined Betty and made her such a powerful presence in our community. She was a truth teller who never backed down from a fight, a woman who led by example and wasn't shy about asking others to make the commitment to change she demanded from herself.
Betty was a unique combination of a quiet dignity and a fierce passion for justice that could only be quenched by constant motion. She worked tirelessly, as a social worker, at the Madison chapter of the NAACP, at the Urban League, and at the Madison Times, to make our city a better place.
Her own words tell us more about Betty than any tribute ever could. After receiving an award for her humanitarian work, she once told a crowd that “everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” By that measure, Betty Franklin-Hammonds was great indeed.
20. Clyde Stubblefield Elementary School
Proposal # 20
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Larry Jensen
Q. What is the proposed name?
Clyde Stubblefield Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Clyde was known nationally as a premier drummer for James Brown when James was in his prime. He relocated to Madison in the early 1970s. He was known locally as a drummer for many local bands, including his own band. He was involved in musical education clinics and he inspired and mentored many young musicians. He was committed to the betterment of his community and contributed to Madison's cultural scene in a major way. He was loved by many.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Clyde Stubblefield was directly involved with the musical education of many aspiring musicians, particularly young people. He was admired and loved in Madison and his popularity cut across all demographics. Clyde made people happy and brought our community together with his gift of music and his personality. His contributions to funk and hip-hop will live forever. Clyde was someone we can all be very proud of, no controversy. He truly is legendary and his name will be a positive inspiration to the children attending the new elementary school.
21. Pleasant Rowland
Proposal # 21
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Kayla Story
Q. What is the proposed name?
Pleasant Rowland
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Pleasant Rowland was an educator, reporter, writer, entrepreneur and philanthropist she also worked hard to re develop historical sites.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
[No answer provided]
22. Badger Rock Elementary
Proposal # 22
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Mary Bachhuber
Q. What is the proposed name?
Badger Rock Elementary
(Please select a name that is NOT a person's name to avoid controversy.)
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Place of local significance
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
Madison's Southwest side. This name complements the current Badger Rock Middle School.
23. Stephanie Bernard
Proposal # 23
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Eileen Kennedy
Q. What is the proposed name?
Stephanie Bernard
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Stephanie was a long time Madison educator. I believe she taught in MMSD for around 30 years. She leaves a legacy of students, families and colleagues who were inspired by her.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Her local impact is important. She devoted her life to MMSD and would be so appropriate for this honor.
24. Judge James Martin Elementary School
Proposal # 24
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Mary Ahlstrom
Q. What is the proposed name?
Judge James Martin Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Judge James Martin was a prominent African American figure in sports circles and in the Madison and Dane County legal community. A native of Racine, Judge Martin played college football in Iowa and in 1970 was hired as an assistant football coach for the Wisconsin Badgers. Martin left his coaching position in the mid-1970's to attend and graduate from UW Law School, whereupon he was hired as a Madison assistant city attorney, and later, city attorney. In 2003, Martin was appointed as the second African American judge on the Dane County Circuit Court. Martin's legal career spanned thirty years. Martin was also active in the Madison community as a volunteer on numerous boards and councils.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Judge Martin was dedicated to the safety of children, both generally as a circuit court judge, and specifically, in
his role as board member and president of Safe Harbor, an organization that advocates for abused or neglected children. Judge Martin was also a tireless advocate for equal justice for all who came into his court. In addition to his football talent, Martin gave back to his community and served as a role model by serving as a highly regarded WIAA basketball referee for 25 years. Judge Martin was a role model for Madison students in terms of pursuing opportunities as they were presented to him in academics and in athletics.
25 Big Chungus Elementary
Proposal # 25
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District
Q. What is the proposed name?
Big Chungus Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
everyone loves big chungus
26. Badger Rock
Proposal # 26
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Susan Rogers
Q. What is the proposed name?
Badger Rock
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Place of local significance
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
It will be physically attached to the Badger Rock middle school and the Badger Rock neighborhood center so it makes sense to have all three with the same name.
27. Rachel Carson
Proposal # 27
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Deanna Jaworski
Q. What is the proposed name?
Rachel Carson
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Rachel Carson was a scientist and environmentalist. She wrote Silent Spring. This book was seminal in the movement to remove harmful chemicals from being used in the environment.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Honoring a female biologist is in keeping with our culture of conservation and preservation in Wisconsin. We already have Leopold, Thoreau and Muir, it makes sense to add Rachel Carson.
28. Tenia Jenkins Academy of Excellence
Proposal # 28
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Bryan Grau
Q. What is the proposed name?
Tenia Jenkins Academy of Excellence
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Strong advocate for equitable education for all, with an emphasis on Black student achievement and Excellence. A well respected and recognized community leader in the struggle for policies, practices, programs, and professionals who were anti-racist fighters for socially just public education. Trained scores of anti racist teachers who implemented Tenia's beliefs and practices for decades in MMSD and the Madison community.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Tenia Jenkins left a legacy that has reverberated for four decades throughout Madison schools. Ask any educator who's been in MMSD for a couple decades. They'll concur!
29. Fred Rogers Elementary School
Proposal # 29
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jonathan Farley
Q. What is the proposed name?
Fred Rogers Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
He was widely known for being the star of the hit PBS TV show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood from 1968-2001.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
He helped young children to become productive citizens and taught them special emotional and social skills.
30. Rimrock Elementary School
Proposal # 30
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
Rimrock Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
The school will be located in the Rimrock area.
31. Ruby Bridges Elementary (Bridges Elementary)
Proposal # 31
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Anna Shabelman (Current student teacher at Frank Allis Elementary)
Q. What is the proposed name?
Ruby Bridges Elementary (Bridges Elementary)
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
While Ruby Bridges is still alive, she is a prominent figure as a civil rights activist. She was the first African American student to desegregate an all-white elementary school in Louisiana.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Ruby Bridges is representative of youth bravery. She is an activist whose legacy lives on through desegregation in school. She is a positive Black and female role model for the community of Madison and represents childhood perseverance.
32. Zona Gale Elementary
Proposal # 32
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Gabe Cox
Q. What is the proposed name?
Zona Gale Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was a prominent literary figure, see also here:
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
A nationally known playwriter and novelist, she can help to inspire future generations.
33. Milt McPike Elementary
Proposal # 33
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Karen Lee-Wahl
Q. What is the proposed name?
Milt McPike Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Milt McPike is prominent because he was well-known during his time as principal of East High School for 23 years and there is a Madison park named after him. He was a professional football player and served on the UW Board of Regents. If you don't want to name this elementary school after him, then perhaps you should name East High School after him.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
I believe schools should be named for educators that are connected to MMSD. Milt was a well known and respected 23-year principal of East High School in the 1990's. His leadership and motivational ability was second to none. He inspired dedication, camaraderie, and optimism amongst the teaching staff when I taught under him. He initiated that we needed to make one positive phone call to all parents of our students before we could make a critical call. Teams of teachers cooked breakfast for the entire school once per month. He set high standards that inspired me and I respected him. He was a gentle giant of a man, kind and friendly. He made me feel welcome during the brief two years I worked for him. I was happy to work during this time when discipline and high standards of behavior and academic excellence were expected from everyone in the school. When students research his name as they attend their elementary school, they will find plenty of positives from this educator.
34. Wayne Strong Elementary
Proposal # 34
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Evident Change
Q. What is the proposed name?
Wayne Strong Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Wayne Strong was the embodiment of "community minded" during his life in Madison. He served in the Madison Police Department for 24 years as a neighborhood officer and sergeant before retiring as a detective lieutenant. Wayne brought his vast experience in policing to his justice reform work at Evident Change, a national justice reform nonprofit headquartered in Madison. He also served as Globe University’s Criminal Justice Program Chair and at the UW-Madison Center for Law, Society, and Justice. Much of Wayne’s free time also was spent serving the Madison community. He was deeply involved in the Southside Raiders, a youth football and cheerleading program in Madison, for nearly 30 years. He served on many boards of local organizations including Just Dane and the Road Home Dane County as well as advising on many other civic boards. He joined the Wisconsin State Journal’s editorial board as one of its first local community members.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Madison is fortunate to have many incredible individuals who do so much for our community, but Wayne distinguished himself in everything he did. At MPD, he earned a Medal of Valor and Life Saving Awards. He started a program at the UW Law School to encourage local youth to go to college and study criminal justice. He served in many leadership roles at S.S. Morris African Methodist Episcopal Church. He was recently honored posthumously with the City-County Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award. As noted in his obituary, "Wayne sought out opportunities to be a voice for South Madison by advocating for the needs of the community, calling for structural change that addressed poverty and joblessness, and building meaningful and lasting relationships." It feels particularly perfect that a south side school should be named after Wayne, a devoted local hero who exemplifies the ideals of service, community, and hope and passionately believed in the potential of all young people.
35. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 35
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ciera Carey
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
My mother, Lori Mann Carey was a former student of Badger rock elementary, Madison treasure, leader and anti-racism "agitator," pushing to hold systems accountable for delivering a quality education to all students across Madison. Her good energy went into creating spaces where Black students can thrive in every sense of the word. Lori founded the non-profit Mission 4.0, where she led an after-school enrichment program that provided a suite of culturally-sensitive interconnected supports - such as tutoring, intentional motivational messaging, parent/family engagement, meals and more - to help address long-standing academic disparities in Madison’s public schools. She also served for decades as head of the Mann Educational Opportunity Fund, which focuses on addressing Black student graduation rate disparities in Madison's public schools through mentoring support and educational tools.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
My mother created and executed Mission 4.0, an after school program held at West high school to help raise the GPA’s and graduation rates of black and brown children. She was one of the founders of the Mann education opportunity fund, a program to help give scholar’s resources to help them get to college. She was an education warrior and an AMAZING mother to more than just her children, she was a mother to the entire south side.
36. Lori Mann Elementary
Proposal # 36
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Timaira Butler and family
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori loved the south side and all of the kids who are growing up there. She fed many of us, came to our sports games and graduations just to support us
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori loved the south side and all of the kids who are growing up there. She fed many of us, came to our sports games and graduations just to support us
37. Lori Mann
Proposal # 37
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ally Schley
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori dedicated so much of herself, time and love not only to students and their education but the children in the community. Her legacy will last lifetimes.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori served and volunteered within the Madison school district. She truly gave her all to the children in this community.
38. Lori Mann Carey
Proposal # 38
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Alyssa Mick
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori was a long standing south side resident that was a mom and a cheerleader to many more kids than she birthed. She loved this community and made a great difference in so many lives
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Reasons specified above. She was a loving community member and mentor to those that perhaps didn’t have as much support at home.
39. Lori Mann Carey
Proposal # 39
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Suzanne Stute
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Promoted education throughout her life.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She represents the South Side.
40. Lori Mann
Proposal # 40
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Parnell Hughes sr.
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She has done a lot for the kids in this area and a perfect figure to represent the kids in this area and a great model for our BIPOC kids to look up to.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She has done a lot for the kids in this area and a perfect figure to represent the kids in this area and a great model for our BIPOC kids to look up to.
41. Southside Achievers Elementary School
Proposal # 41
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Batenga Obuseh
Q. What is the proposed name?
Southside Achievers Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Southside Achievers Elementary School identifies the location and the goals of the school. The goals for all the children are to overcome their circumstances because it is not where they come from but where they are going, to become successful in their lives and accomplish their childhood dreams. These are the purest dreams of all.
42. Lori Mann
Proposal # 42
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
community member
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
Lori Mann worked or volunteers in may schools. She encouraged everyone, especially students of color to meet high standards in order to reach their dreams. She was a strong presence in Madison's South side.
43. Lori Mann
Proposal # 43
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Justine Page
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann poured her heart and soul into the community. She is well known in the community and around Madison.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori Mann was a crucial part of the MMSD community and is loved and respected by so many people.
44. Lori Mann
Proposal # 44
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Andrea Braganza
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
An amazing women
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She changed lives across the city
45. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 45
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jasmine Schaffner
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was a local leader in education by creating mission 4.0 (an after school program held at Madison west high school) and was one of the founders of the Mann educational opportunity fund
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She was a local leader in education by creating mission 4.0 (an after school program held at Madison west high school) and was one of the founders of the Mann educational opportunity fund
46. Lori Mann Carey ES
Proposal # 46
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Kari Petre
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey ES
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Mrs Carey was a south side Madison legend. She was highly respected and fondly regarded by all who had the opportunity to know her. Education of the youth in Madison was a priority to her and she walked the walk. I cannot think of a more deserving person to have a Southside school named after. Please consider this request.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori Mann's heart was in educating the youth of Madison. But the Southside held a special place in her heart. All her children went to West High feeder schools. She was very involved in their early school careers and was a frequent face seen around school. I am a teacher at Lincoln and enjoyed meeting her there and enjoy her boundless energy. She started an after school program at West hoping to make a positive change in some kids school habits and mindset. There maybe other prominent names you receive BUT unless they have deep ties to the Southside of Madison, I am unsure they should be considered above her.
47. Toni Morrison Elementary School
Proposal # 47
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Sahira Rocillo
Q. What is the proposed name?
Toni Morrison Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Toni Morrison is one of the most relevant contemporary African American writers. A woman writing and believing in the rights of marginalized individuals, women, and populations. Inspiring and resilient poet.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Naming our new south side elementary after Toni Morrison, represents Madison continuous fight for inclusion, not only for race equity, but of gender, beliefs, progress, culture, access.
48. Lori Mann
Proposal # 48
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Timbre Severson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Popularly known
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She supported everyone’s kids
49. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 49
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Larry Hawkins
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
A extremely well known and popular person in Wisconsin and so on. Did so many wonderful things for the community including for myself. I will always be grateful for Lori and everything she has done for me and taught me.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
I feel as Lori has done the most for this city/community and deserves to have this school named after her.
50. Lori Mann
Proposal # 50
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Aleeah Severson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
[No answer provided]
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
[No answer provided]
51. Lori Mann
Proposal # 51
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Elda Garcia
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann has helped so many people in our community.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori Mann has helped many children in our community and always brought positive energy around to uplift anyone that
was down.
52. Lori Mann
Proposal # 52
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Sydney toburen
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann did amazing things for the Madison Community
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori Mann did amazing things for the Madison Community
53. Lori Mann
Proposal # 53
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Simone Lawrence
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was a teacher for many years who changed lives for so long.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She served MMSD for many years
54. Christine Hodge Elementary School or Hodge Elementary School
Proposal # 54
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jennifer A Cox
Q. What is the proposed name?
Christine Hodge Elementary School or Hodge Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Thankfully, Chris Hodge continues to be very active currently by serving our school communities and has devoted her life to education in many Madison schools. Chris has worked in many roles including, teacher, minority services coordinator, assistant principal and principal at Lowell, Hawthorne, Allis, La Follette and several summer school sites. Chris founded a learning center on Madison's southside to enhance academic achievement by offering after school and weekend tutoring to students who were struggling. There is simply not enough space to add all of her accomplishments and contributions she has given to our children.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Unfortunately, there was not a choice to nominate and recognize someone who is alive and well. Chris is not deceased, although she deserves consideration to have a school named after her. Chris is a true role model to many administrators and teachers. She has helped many students to successfully graduate and guided them to a rewarding path. Chris has and continues to serve us ALL well.
55. Lori Mann Cari
Proposal # 55
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Andreal David
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Cari
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori’s family is a prominent one because they are a long standing local family who is responsible for creating the widely known Mann Scholars and an MMSD after school program called Mission 4.0 positioned for Success. which was created by Lori to achieve the goal of 100 percent graduation rate which was piloted at West High School in the fall of 2015 to eliminate the achievement gap.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Mission 4.0 was a promising option to help African American High School students realize academic success and graduation. Lori was a long time South Madison resident and a strong social justice advocate.
56. Lori Mann-Carey
Proposal # 56
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Laura Glaub
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann-Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori ir prominent in Madison and beyond. Her and her family have made impact for generations to connect future youth to resources to become community leaders. Lori is prominent because she has shown the world what people are capable of when the heart and mind are integrated, and when we approach others and the world guided by the values of respect, compassion, and service. Lori has impacted hundreds of students and families lives with her programming, resource development, relationships with madison schools, UW and more.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
If you are on the southside of Madison, you know Lori Mann. Her legacy comes from her way for decades of constantly finding ways to engage the community through participating in building strong relationships with students, connecting to community programs, and getting our families involved through school events and activities. Lori created many safe spaces in the Madison community for students to feel safe to participate in youth development through academic skill building, leadership investment and mentorship. I personally watched Lori impact hundreds of lives through her coaching, resource investment, relationships and beyond. She was a community mother that was not afraid to fight for what was right for the south side of Madison. Lori had a smile when she said hello that made everyone around her feel loved and safe. Creating a building and naming it after her will truly symbolize what our Madison schools need to do for our students, make them feel loved and safe to be themselves.
57. Lori Mann Carey
Proposal # 57
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Beth Johnson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Her passion was education and children… amazing woman
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She worked in the district… Lori started tho 4.0 after school program at West HS
58. Lori Mann
Proposal # 58
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Kenyatta Moore
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She worked in mmsd for several years and was dedicated to academic greatness of all students
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She dedicated her career to academic greatness for students while uplifting them b and helping them improve grades, offered scholarship opportunities in addition to serving her community all up until the day she passed away.
59. Lori Mann Middle School
Proposal # 59
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Dominique Smith
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Middle School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Contributed years of dedication to advocate and educate youth in the community and school system.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
A product of the MMSD school system and came back and dedicated years of her adult life to help elevate, support, and educate youth within the MMSD school district. Creating an impact on the minds and heart of many students that navigated through MMSD.
60. Harriet Tubman Elementary
Proposal # 60
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jonathan Wood
Q. What is the proposed name?
Harriet Tubman Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Harriet Tubman was an activist and helped change many unfair things.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
The underground railroad which Harriet Tubman was a part of went through Wisconsin. Also she is taught about in elementary school and many kids look up to her.
61. Lori Mann
Proposal # 61
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Tom Olshanski
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Widely known in the Madison area as an African American leader and surrogate parent to many children who needed
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She headed the Mann scholars which gave scholarships to deserving children throughout Madison. These scholarships have had lasting impacts on those that received them and many have gone on to do great things for the Madison area and MMSD. It’s not often that we get the opportunity to name a school after someone who has passed away so recently that many in our community still remember her fondly.
62. Equity Elementary School
Proposal # 62
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Carita Marino
Q. What is the proposed name?
Equity Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
MMSD and the community of Madison is committed to striving towards equity. Equity in education is especially important, as it determines the foundation of an equitable society where individuals are empowered to strive towards their full potential. It is important to remind students and the community of our commitment to equity, in order to teach the importance of this value to future generations, and to foster a community where continued efforts are made to strive towards this ideal.
63. Mapleside Elementary
Proposal # 63
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Roxanne Amundson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Mapleside Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
In 1893, the sugar maple was selected as the Wisconsin State Tree by school children in a statewide vote. It was reaffirmed by another vote of school children in 1948 and became an official state symbol in 1949. These are historical examples of the importance of student voice and advocacy.
Mapleside Elementary combines components of both the state tree as well as the current Southside Elementary name that many are familiar with. Additionally, this is not the name of a individual that may prompt renaming in the future.
64. Shirley Abrahamson
Proposal # 64
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Susan (Cee Cee) Cohen
Q. What is the proposed name?
Shirley Abrahamson
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Shirley Schlanger Abrahamson (December 17, 1933 – December 19, 2020) was the 25th chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Abrahamson has received numerous other awards and 15 honorary degrees from universities and colleges across the U.S. She is featured in Great (Top 100) American Judges: An Encyclopedia (2003), The Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers in America (2005), and The Lawdragon 500 Leading Judges in America (2006). She was the first female justice to serve on Wisconsin's highest court. She became the court's first female chief justice on August 1, 1996. In all, she served on the court for 43 years (1976–2019), making her the longest-serving justice in the history of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She is beloved and admired by those who see her as a pioneer, a nationally renowned legal scholar and a courageous leader. She worked to connect the public to the courts and advance the judiciary by finding a more informed, more effective way forward. She is a role model for girls and women.
65. Badger Rock Elementary School
Proposal # 65
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Susan Covarrubias
Q. What is the proposed name?
Badger Rock Elementary School
Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site; Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
Because the new elementary school is connected to the current Badger Rock Middle School, it makes good sense to duplicate the name for this additional facility.
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
We are expanding the Badger Rock Middle School site. It seems only appropriate to use the same name for the elementary school. I do not believe our community must name schools after famous national or local figures. But, if you were to name the school for a prominent local or national figure it should be a female scientist that has made significant sacrifices or contributions to the field of space exploration such as Christa McAuliffe, Sally Ride or Mae C. Jemison.
66. Judith “Judy” Heumann Elementary School
Proposal # 66
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Erin Nunez
Q. What is the proposed name?
Judith “Judy” Heumann Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Judith “Judy” Heumann (1947-2023)—was at the forefront of major disability rights demonstrations, helped spearhead the passage of disability rights legislation, founded national and international disability advocacy organizations, held senior federal government positions, co-authored her memoir, Being Heumann, and its Young Adult version, Rolling Warrior, and was featured in the Oscar-nominated documentary film, Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution.
Born in 1947 in Philadelphia and raised in Brooklyn, New York to parents Ilse and Werner Heumann, Judy contracted polio at age two. Her doctor advised her parents to institutionalize her when it was clear that she would never be able to walk. “Institutionalization was the status quo in 1949,” she wrote. “Kids with disabilities were considered a hardship, economically and socially.” When Judy attempted to enter kindergarten, the principal blocked her family from entering the school, labeling her a “fire hazard.” However, her parents, particularly her mother, fought back and demanded that Judy have access to a classroom. Judy eventually was able to attend a special school, high school, Long Island University (from which she earned a B.A. in 1969), and the University of California, Berkeley, where she earned a Master’s in Public Health six years later.
In the 1970s, Heumann attended Camp Jened, a summer camp for people with disabilities in the Catskills, and she later returned there as a counselor. Several of the leaders of the disability rights movement also were at Camp Jened, which was the focus of the documentary Crip Camp.
During the same decade, the New York Board of Education refused to give Judy a teaching license because they feared she could not help evacuate students or herself in case of fire. She sued and went on to become the first teacher in the state to use a wheelchair. Continuing her fight for civil rights, Judy helped lead a protest that shut down traffic in Manhattan against Richard Nixon’s veto of the 1972 Rehabilitation Act, and she launched a 26-day sit-in at a federal building in San Francisco to get Section 504 of the revived Rehabilitation Act enforced.
Judy was instrumental in developing and implementing national disability rights legislation, including Section 504, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
In addition, Judy helped found the Berkley Center for Independent Living, the Independent Living Movement, and the World Institute on Disability. She also served on the boards of the American Association of People with Disabilities, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Humanity and Inclusion, Human Rights Watch, the United States International Council on Disability, Save the Children, and several others.
In 1993, Judy moved to Washington, D.C. to serve as the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services in the Clinton Administration, a role she filled until 2001. From 2002-2006, she served as the first Advisor on Disability and Development at the World Bank. From 2010-2017, during the Obama Administration, she worked as the first Special Advisor for International Disability Rights at the U.S. State Department. She also was appointed as Washington, D.C.’s first Director for the Department on Disability Services.
(credit for listed bio: Judith Heumann LLC)
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Judy played an important role in creating and implementing disability rights legislation, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Her work promoted equity and eliminated barriers to accessing public education.
67. The Shirley School
Proposal # 67
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Diana Cook
Q. What is the proposed name?
The Shirley School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Shirley Abrahamson was the first woman on the Wisconsin Supreme Court and its longest-serving justice--nearly 43 years. Upon her death in December 2020, Governor Tony Evers said, "Her legacy is defined not just by being a first, but [by] her life's work of ensuring she would not be the last, paving and lighting the way for the many women and others who would come after her. . . . Few others have given so much of themselves to the cause of public service in Wisconsin. . . . She was a pillar of our state and the court for generations, . . . one of our state's most extraordinary public servants."
Shirley graduated first in her law school class and its only woman at a time when there were few women in the legal profession. Throughout her career, she helped to open doors for many others, advanced women's opportunities and well-being in law, and inspired women in the legal community as a mentor, role model, and friend. A significant number of women went into law because of her.
She was one of the first women lawyers in Madison, in the 1960s, and one of her first projects was to help draft Madison's groundbreaking open- housing law. As a supreme court justice, she was well known through her travels around the state and for her integrity and legendary work ethic. She earned a reputation as one of the most respected legal minds in the nation. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, "Shirley Abrahamson is the best, the most courageous and sage, the least self-regarding. She has inspired legions to follow in her way, to strive constantly to make the legal system genuinely equal and accessible to all."
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Shirley--she told everyone to "just call me Shirley"--was the daughter of immigrants from Eastern Europe and worked in her parents' grocery store. She helped her parents learn English, and they became naturalized citizens and steadfast voters. "I am the child of immigrants," she said, "and I think that influenced me a great deal, that this country was open. No doors were to be closed." Her parents emphasized education, and she was educated in public schools. Growing up among immigrants was a formative experience, a basis for a lifetime of work focused on equal treatment for all.
As chief justice, Shirley created outreach programs to demystify the work of the courts and make them more accessible to the public, such as services for interpreters and teaching tools for educators. She often visited elementary schools and helped children learn about Wisconsin courts and how judges make decisions with the hypothetical case of Tootsie the Goldfish. Waving her invisible magic wand ("Poof, you are all judges!"), she guided the class all the way to the supreme court in deciding whether a landlord can evict a tenant and his goldfish when the lease doesn't allow pets. The children applied rules to a set of facts and values, similar to decisions they made every day to solve problems at home and at school. They tried to be fair and reasonable and talked about how disputes are settled. As chief justice, Shirley developed the Tootsie the Goldfish lesson plan and other educational resources about the justice system--programs and publications for teachers, an activity book for children--that are available online at
For more than 50 years, Shirley's home was located only a mile or two from 501 E. Badger Road, and her son attended elementary and middle schools in their district. Because she wanted everyone to call her "Shirley," a fitting name for the new school is The Shirley School. As the diverse students of The Shirley School learn about its namesake, they may realize that if they work hard in school and for what they believe in, they can do great things, whatever their origins and obstacles.
68. Gene Parks elementary
Proposal # 68
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Candace Mooney
Q. What is the proposed name?
Gene Parks elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Menu News
Eugene Parks BriefMadison activist dies at 57
by AUBRE ANDRUS · Mar 1, 2005 Share Tweet
Eugene Parks, a well-known local political activist who grew up and spent his entire life in Madison, died at his south side home Monday morning of natural causes. He was 57.
Mayor Dave Cieslewicz issued a release expressing sadness and sympathy to Parks’ family and to the city of Madison.
“Gene challenged the citizens and leaders of Madison to tackle different issues in our community,” Cieslewicz said. “Whether you agreed with him or not, Gene Parks made a unique and lasting contribution to our city.”
According to Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, a friend of Parks, Parks was always challenging those who were in power, although he had some challenging times in City Hall.
“He was definitely a Madison original,” Verveer said. “He cared passionately about civil rights and human rights.”
The Equal Opportunities Commission mourned the death of the Madison native as well, citing his contributions as an alderperson, assistant to Fire Chief Edward Drukin and director of the city’s Affirmative Action Department.
“You always knew where Gene stood,” the commission’s release said. “A small business owner who in his own manner was a champion for civil rights. He was not afraid to take a stand.”
Parks became the first black alderperson for the Madison City Council in 1969 when he was 22 years old. He was also the president of the Madison chapter of the NAACP.
Parks ran for mayor in 1999 against Sue Bauman. He campaigned out of his home at 1616 Beld St., which was also the location of his former business, a tavern called Mr. P’s. He was defeated by Bauman and earned approximately 20 percent of the vote.
During his race against Bauman and throughout his entire life, he fought against racial segregation and discrimination.
“This country is as segregated today as it was 50 years ago and Wisconsin is the most racially segregated state in America,” Parks told The Badger Herald while running for mayor. “Including Madison, this so-called liberal town.”
According to Verveer, while Parks was an alderperson, much of his district included areas of campus and many of his constituents were students. Parks supported important student issues such as affordable housing.
“Students make up 20 to 25 percent of the population and are still used as slaves for housing income,” Parks told The Badger Herald before the election. “It is a crying shame what it costs to live here.”
Verveer said Parks always gave a great speech and in addition to his strong political beliefs, he had a very good sense of humor.
“He was a very colorful character,” Verveer said. “He was always very entertaining.”
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This article was published Mar 1, 2005 at 12:00 am and last updated Mar 1, 2005 at 12:00 am
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Parks was an activist and community leader.
69. South Palace Elementary
Proposal # 69
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Brittney Lipinski
Q. What is the proposed name?
South Palace Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
It is a new building on the south side of Madison, Palace sounds similar to Allis, and who wouldn't want to say they went to South Palace when they are older!? I went to Frank Allis Elementary and am currently 32 years old now so for my daughter to go from Allis (currently in 4K) to this new location would mean a lot for us to switch her to this new location. Her last name is Palacios as well so Palace for short we sometimes use.
70. Escuela nueva vida
Proposal # 70
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
Escuela nueva vida
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Senifica un buen comienso una nueva vida (It means a good start, a new life.)
71. Please extend the deadline and bring current Allis students into this process.
Proposal # 71
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Caitlin Yunis
Q. What is the proposed name?
Please extend the deadline and bring current Allis students into this process.
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
My daughter attends Frank Allis Elementary school and she along with many of the kids in our neighborhood will be attending the new school next year. I've talked to a number of parents and none of our kids have had this conversation at school. Please bring current students into this process. Thank you.
72. Edson Arantes do Nascimento Elementary
Proposal # 72
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ruben Ernesto, individual, resident of the community, parent with a child in MMSD, and an elementary educator.
Q. What is the proposed name?
Edson Arantes do Nascimento Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Prominent, to Black and Brown kids, he is a hero to the world. He is the only person in history, to my knowledge, that would visit countries that were in the middle civil wars, and they would stop the wear, just to hear his concerns, words, etc through the visit. He is arguably the greatest athlete, not just soccer player, ever to exist.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
He is someone our students particularly in the demographic we serve at this school, that can identify and relate to him. He looks like us.
73. Autherine Juanita Lucy Elementary
Proposal # 73
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ruben Ernesto, individual, resident of the community, parent with a child in MMSD, and an elementary educator.
Q. What is the proposed name?
Autherine Juanita Lucy Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
American activist who was the first African-American student to attend the University of Alabama. the architect of desegregating Alabama's education systems.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
I think this is inspiring, and someone that our scholars can look up to. She fought, because she knew how important education is.
74. Irene Cara Escalera Elementary
Proposal # 74
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ruben Ernesto, individual, resident of the community, parent with a child in MMSD, and an elementary educator.
Q. What is the proposed name?
Irene Cara Escalera Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Irene Cara Escalera was an American singer, songwriter, and actress who rose to prominence for her role as Coco Hernandez in the 1980 musical film Fame, and for recording the film's title song "Fame", which reached No. 1 in multiple countries. In 1983, Cara co-wrote and sang the song "Flashdance... What a Feeling" (from the film Flashdance), for which she shared an Academy Award for Best Original Song and won a Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance in 1984.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
There are living female scientists like Kizzmekia Corbett (who was part of the team that created the covid-19 vaccine), and Jessica Esquivel (a prominent physicist), and Scarlin Hernandez (a NASA engineer) all important women in history, women of color that are still alive, who would be ideal to have the school named after... since the board policy says they have to be deceased, I feel strongly Irene is the best choice. She is recently deceased, but young enough that our students can relate to. We need a school name our kids can almost touch, feel like they are just like them. Someone that looks like them. This talented woman, Irene Escalera is talented, recognized, and within our generation.
75 Pelé Elementary
Proposal # 75
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ruben Ernesto, individual, resident of the community, parent with a child in MMSD, and an elementary educator.
Q. What is the proposed name?
Pelé Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Earlier I submitted the name, Edson Arantes do Nascimiento (Pelé's real name). But after some thought I figured maybe that is too long a name for a school. So I am submitting Pelé Elementary as an alternative. But everything about him is still the same... a hero to some, recognized in the world, one of only two people in history that visited countries at war and the warring parties paused while he visited out of respect for him and his accomplishments.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
He looks like our students, he is African and a hero to Latinos all over the world.
76. Lori Mann Carey
Proposal # 76
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Mary Boone
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori, grew up in South Madison. She was also a very, very strong advocate for education. She had a vision to bring programs into the schools that would help every student succeed and not be left behind. She was a strong support to so many students in the district.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Same as above.
77. Shirley Abrahamson Elementary School
Proposal # 77
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jennifer Nashold
Q. What is the proposed name?
Shirley Abrahamson Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Shirley Abrahamson was the first woman to serve on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the first woman to serve as its Chief Justice, and the longest serving state Supreme Court justice in the nation's history. Justice Abrahamson was a lifelong teacher, and an advocate and defender of the Wisconsin Idea. She was a fierce protector against invidious discrimination, integrated the Madison Club to women, and drafted for Madison the state’s first fair housing ordinance. Within Madison, where for half a century she lived on the south side, she mentored scores of women and girls entering public service and championed public schools.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Justice Abrahamson made immense contributions to the Madison Metropolitan School District and to students and teachers throughout Wisconsin. Despite her busy work as a Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Justice Abrahamson visited countless classrooms in Madison and throughout the state and initiated numerous programs to help students better understand the court system and how it impacts people’s lives.
In an introduction to the book, Connecting to the Courts: A Teacher’s Guide to the Wisconsin Courts, Justice Abrahamson explains why she regarded outreach to our public schools as so important: “Alexis de Tocqueville, the great 19th-century writer and student of American democracy, observed that most public issues in the United States eventually become legal issues. Indeed, Americans do turn to the law every day to resolve their disputes. America’s schools have an important role to play in fostering public understanding of the law and the justice system, but they can’t be expected to do it alone. We hope that … this book will help our schools to build young adults who have confidence in our legal system, who feel that they have full access to the services this system can provide, and who value the role of law in our society.”
One significant example of Justice Abrahamson’s contributions to our classrooms is the Court with Class program, which she initiated in conjunction with the Wisconsin State Bar. Since its inception in 1996, this program has brought tens of thousands of students into the Wisconsin Supreme Court Hearing Room at our State Capitol to witness live oral arguments. During oral arguments, students hear lawyers on each side make their arguments while being questioned by justices of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. After the argument, students meet with a justice to discuss the role of a justice and how a case is decided. Before visiting, teachers receive plain-language case summaries to help students understand the issues at stake in a particular case.
Justice Abrahamson also recognized that it is important to engage students with humor and creativity. This is amply demonstrated by her “Tootsie the Goldfish” lesson plan, which she created to help students learn about the courts and how judges make decisions, and which she herself used in her many visits to classrooms. As she explains in A Teacher’s Guide to the Wisconsin Courts, this lesson plan involves a (fictitious) law that prohibits tenants from having pets but neglects to define the term “pet.” Justice Abrahamson would divide the classroom into a circuit court, an intermediate appellate court, and a state supreme court, with each court making a determination as to whether Tootsie the Goldfish was a “pet” under the statute and was therefore subject to eviction. During the process, Justice Abrahamson would explain the role of each court and how the court decides a case.
Although her “Tootsie the Goldfish” lesson plan was filled with levity, it also included this important instruction to the students regarding the role of a judge: “I want you all to close your eyes and ponder the fate of Tootsie. I want each of you ‘judges’ to make up your own minds and not be influenced by how others decide the case. A key attribute of good judges is that they have open minds—they are neutral, they listen carefully to the facts, they search the law, they weigh the arguments. But each judge must make up his or her mind and vote independently, and not be pressured by other judges, the media, or public opinion. Tough decisions will not always be popular ones.”
Justice Abrahamson was also instrumental in developing Law Day planning kits, which included a variety of fun activities to help elementary, middle school, and high school students understand the courts’ vital role in our government. Each planning kit involved a different theme, such as “Celebrating Access to Justice: Brown v. Board at 50;” “Celebrate Your Freedom: Assuring Access to Justice for All;” “Celebrate Your Freedom: Independent Courts Protect our Liberties;” “In the Best Interest of Our Children;” and “The American Jury: We the People in Action.”
A last example is the iCivics program that Justice Abrahamson helped bring to Wisconsin’s classrooms, serving as its co-chair. This program is an innovative web-based civics education project initiated by retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, featuring interactive online games developed for middle-school students and teaching guides and lesson plans for teachers. Justice O’Connor visited Madison in May 2010 at the invitation of Justice Abrahamson and the State Bar of Wisconsin to help launch iCivics in Wisconsin.
These are just a few of the many ways that Justice Abrahamson served the students and teachers of our public schools, including MMSD, where her own child attended school.
78. Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
Proposal # 78
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
The Family of Lori Mann Carey
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann Carey (2/27/60–11/16/20) was a beloved force across South Madison and beyond. She was widely and popularly known in many spaces:
1) Madison Treasure - Lori grew up on Madison’s Southside along with her four siblings in a household where education was a top priority and where she was inspired by example to engage with love and purpose in her community. That’s exactly what she did her entire life. . .making a difference everywhere she went. She was a Madison treasure, leader, and education equity champion - and her light continues to shine in hearts and minds across the community.
2) High School Standout – Lori attended Memorial High School where she was voted co-captain of the track team, earning “All American” status as part of the state record-setting mile relay team. She also played varsity basketball where her enthusiasm for others and uplifting words always brought out the very best in her teammates. Her light carried across the student body when school administration, recognizing Lori’s natural leadership and gift of encouragement, invited her to deliver commencement remarks to her classmates at her school graduation ceremony.
3) “Mama Carey” – As a transformative and loving mother, Lori not only embraced motherhood with her own five children, she also brought her good energy and guidance to countless others. Known by many as “Mama Carey,” Lori’s prominence was as a community mom who took to heart the phrase: “It takes a village to raise a child.” She attended parent-teacher conferences with kids who needed support, helped students fill out financial aid forms, wrote letters of recommendation, drove students to/from school, delivered coats for kids in need, helped feed students, and, as many know, was the ultimate cheerleader for student athletes citywide, from ringing cow bells at football games to her “shoot the ball” chants at basketball tournaments. Her wide popularity with students and families across the community came from the respect she earned with her dedication and contributions to so many lives.
4) Parent Leader – A well-known advocate for MMSD students, Lori was asked by Administration to serve on the selection committee for the principal of West High School when there was a vacancy in 2014. She also served on the African American Parent Leadership Council and spoke several times at school board meetings, delivering innovative ideas and finding ways to create lasting change through partnership.
5) Visionary – Lori envisioned and created the non-profit Mission 4.0, an after-school enrichment program that provided students a suite of culturally-sensitive interconnected supports – tutoring, intentional motivational messaging, parent/family engagement, meals, social-emotional learning and educational enrichment activities. The program successfully piloted at West High School for three consecutive years (through June 2018) impacting hundreds of students and families over that time, with a vision to expand to every high school in Madison. The program’s wide appeal came from its non-traditional approach, reaching students participating in after-school extra-curricular activities and inviting all students into the program with no minimum qualifying criteria. The only criterion was to have a desire to achieve academic success.
6) Co-Founder, Mann Educational Opportunity Fund – Lori helped create and served for decades as head of the Mann Educational Opportunity Fund, which was established more than 30 years ago by family, close friends and the community to honor her parents, the late Bernard and Kathlyn Mann. As long-time education advocates in Madison, Lori’s mom and dad were her inspiration to continue their work supporting at risk students across the city. The program typically selects 3-5 MMSD incoming high school freshman each year, primarily students of color, who are supported academically and financially (with a $1,000 annual stipend), with the goal of achieving academic success and high school graduation.
7) Financial Literacy Ambassador – Lori earned a degree in accounting from Florida A&M University and used her expertise and professional experience to boost financial literacy in the community. In addition to teaching “Math of Finance” at Madison College, Lori also spoke at Madison Black Chamber of Commerce events during tax season, providing tips and other literacy basics to the community. Lori served on the MBCC Board since its inception in 2004 and, for a time, served as Treasurer and later, prior to her passing, was the accountant to the organization.
8) Generous Entrepreneur – Lori took up entrepreneurship in 1989, opening TaxMann Tax & Accounting Services and kicking off a lifetime of support to small businesses, non-profits, and the often-underserved community of Madison’s Southside. Her considerate pricing was often “below market” (or free) so that all customers could afford her services, regardless of their circumstances.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Placing the name of Lori Mann Carey on this school would represent a full circle moment, maybe even a dose of the supernatural. Her connections to the grounds of the new Southside elementary school and the opportunity today to celebrate her there are beautiful. In the fall of 1965, more than 57 years ago on her first day of kindergarten, Lori walked through the doors of the very same building (location) that now houses Badger Rock Middle School and Neighborhood Center. What was then known as Badger Elementary School is where Lori learned her ABCs, spelling and basic math. . .It’s where she played outside on the playground, laughing, being silly and having fun with new friends. . .Most of all, it’s where she had her very first experience with the power of faith. The story, told by Lori repeatedly to her children and loved ones, goes something like this: As part of outdoor gym class at Badger, Lori had to run several laps on the gravel track, timed with a stopwatch. In her struggle to finish the final lap, she wanted to give up, to quit, to walk instead. She said a prayer and just as she was about to stop, she felt God pick her up and carry her over the track to finish her run. In November of 2020, the impact of that childhood experience led Lori back to that very same location. She walked the school grounds before meeting with her doctor about the progression of her cancer. And she said a prayer. . .We don’t know the full content of that prayer but we do know Lori crushed the doctor’s estimate for the number of days she had left, allowing her to receive in her final days an unending outpouring of love that came from across the city and beyond, before she finally became an angel.
Along with Lori’s unique connection to the grounds of the new Southside elementary school, her significance to MMSD cannot be overstated. Here it is in a nutshell:
MMSD Student – Lori attended MMSD schools from kindergarten through her senior year in high school:
Badger Elementary School: 1965–1970 (K – 4th grade)
Franklin Elementary School: 1970–1971 (5th grade)
Lincoln Middle School: 1971–1974 (6th - 8th grade)
Memorial High School: 1974–1978 (9th–12th grade)
MMSD Parent - Contributing, engaging, and advocating on behalf of her own five children (all graduated from West High School), “Mama Carey” also generously shared herself, serving as a pillar of support for all kids, including those who were struggling, hurting and in need of a “safe space” in their educational journey. See previous section.
MMSD Partner – Lori was an enthusiastic partner with the school district as both a parent and innovator. She successfully built relationships based on trust and goodwill, establishing valued partnerships with the MMSD Superintendent, school principals, teachers, counselors, coaches along with Administration collaborators in Strategic Partnerships & Innovation; Grants and Fund Development; and Family, Youth & Community Engagement.
Legacy MMSD Partnership – Lori’s parents, the late Bernard and Kathlyn Mann, deeply valued education with a conviction that all students deserve an education that prepares them to fulfill their goals and achieve a life of purpose. They partnered with Madison’s school district throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s to support that conviction and, when they passed away in the late 80s, family, close friends and the community joined forces to create the Mann Educational Opportunity Fund also known as Mann Scholars program. Under Lori’s leadership, the program has partnered with MMSD since the first students entered the program in 1997.
Lori stated many times that the education equity work to which she committed herself day-in and day-out was guided first by her faith, second by the legacy and values of her parents, and next by a broadly respected community value she supported by example: “To cultivate the potential in every student to thrive as a global citizen by inspiring love of learning and civic engagement, by challenging and supporting every student to achieve academic excellence, and by embracing the full richness and diversity of our community.” These words, purposefully sourced by Lori from MMSD’s strategic framework (released July 2013), informed so much of the work she did in the community.
Lori did more than just grow up in Madison. . .She engaged fully, gave to others and contributed her entire life to make a difference in her community. There is gratitude for the gifts she shared and there is no better way to express it than by lifting her name - a mile from her Southside home to which she walked from school with her siblings - on to the very school where she began her educational journey and first experienced the power of faith. These early life experiences were a “deliverer of destiny” and, says the nominators, may her legacy of transformative community love be reflected on the new Southside elementary school on Badger Road.
Submitted by:
The Family of Lori Mann Carey
79. Geraldine Bernard Elementary School
Proposal # 79
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Deana Wright
Q. What is the proposed name?
Geraldine Bernard Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Not deceased, but in her 90’s and the first Black teacher hired by MMSD.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Geri was the first Black teacher hired by MMSD,; a well-respected and well-loved community older adult and Madison gem!
80. The Madisonian Academy
Proposal # 80
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ashton Davis
Q. What is the proposed name?
The Madisonian Academy
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
This name is unique and delicate.
81. Richard Davis
Proposal # 81
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Lauren Koehler-Lee
Q. What is the proposed name?
Richard Davis
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Richard Davis was an American jazz bassist and educator. He was honored in 2014 as a NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) Jazz Master.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Richard was the bass professor at UW from 1977-2021. During that time in addition to working with university students, he also set up the Richard Davis Foundation for young bassists. This organizations has served many MMSD musicians (especially those typically underrepresented in post secondary music programs) hone their skills as musicians.
82. Bernard Elementary School
Proposal # 82
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Julia Peterson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Bernard Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Geraldine Bernard is living and the first Black Teacher hired in MMSD, while Stephanie Bernard (no known relation that I am aware of) is deceased and a 3-decade MMSD black Elementary Educator.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
83. FuelOrCrutch elementary
Proposal # 83
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Eubanks Solutions
Q. What is the proposed name?
FuelOrCrutch elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
FuelOrCrutch is a motto and creed created by a south Madison native and it significance is that we all experience adversity and hardships, many being out of our control especially at the elementary level. But from those hardships comes what we want more of which are people that use the hard times as fuel for motivation rather than making excuses and using them as a crutch and being a victim to circumstances!
84. Jean Penn Elementary
Proposal # 84
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Melissa Loerke
Q. What is the proposed name?
Jean Penn Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Jean Penn Loerke was a historian in Waukesha, Wisconsin. She was born and raised in Madison, Wi; attending the schools of St. James Catholic School, Madison West High School, and UW-Madison and later UW-Milwaukee for her Masters degree. She was the director for many years of the Waukesha Historical Museum and lived in the National Historical Site, The Cobblestone in Eagle Wisconsin. Her outgoing personally allowed for her and Les Paul, another icon of Wisconsin, to become friends. Often having him visit the Waukesha Historical Museum where she was director. Her value of education and ties to Madison led her to donate thousands to St. James as well as her family starting a scholarship fund in her name, The Jean Penn Memorial Fund. Her iconic attitude of getting things done allowed her to be a single mother while working full time as a museum director. She was a brilliant leader and strong advocate for education and would be an amazing hero for young girls and children to look up to. She was ahead of her time and has continued to augment her time through her everlasting passion for education and her family. I am honored to be her granddaughter.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
As stated above, Jean Penn grew up in Madison and attended a local private school and then Madison West and moved on to UW-Madison. While being a mother, working, and getting a Master’s degree she showcased a drive that many women today hold. Her passion for learning drove me to getting a degree in journalism just like she held. She was an accomplished writer with various publications, always a woman with vibrant stories. Growing up on Monona Bay and coming back to Madison after UW-Milwaukee and living in Eagle for a short while, allowed for her to be a deeply rooted Madisonian. Born to an immigrant mother she learned the value of a good education and ran with it. She is inspiring to many and would continue to inspire generations to come.
85. Juan Jose Lopez elementary
Proposal # 85
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Travis Dobson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Juan Jose Lopez elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Juan Jose Lopez was the 1st Latino elected to the mmsd school board,he was director of many important things in Madison and Wisconsin including, project opportunity, the boys and girls club of Dane county, briarpatch and a section chief at the state Department of Workforce Development’s Division of Employment & Training,He was also a cofounder of the Latino Professionals Association of Greater Madison, and served on the board of the United Migrant Opportunity Services in Milwaukee, Nuestro Mundo School in Madison, One City Schools, Rotary Foundation and the Latino Chamber of Commerce.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Juan Jose Lopez dedicated his life to a city that he moved to when attending UW Madison and never left and made Madison WI his home from the very start of being in Madison he dedicated his life to making Madison a better place for Hispanic people but he didn't stop there as he advocated for all people that were disadvantaged especially kids he worked so hard at project opportunity that he was working 18 hours a day and got very sick from the stress but he never gave up on the 16 kids in the program and their families and was like a father to many of the kids. Also during this time Juan ran for the school board and won becoming the 1st Hispanic on the board and ended up serving 3 terms and was board president. After project opportunity was done he became the director of briarpatch in Madison, then after that he was director of the boys and girls club of Dane county. Even after he was done with those places he never stopped fighting for all kids in Madison and Dane county there are so many people and kids that he helped directly or indirectly it's hard to put a number on it. There is very few people who truly dedicate their lives to helping others and Juan Jose Lopez was one of them and we might never see a person like him again in our lifetime. Juan Jose Lopez truly made Madison a better place for everyone.
86. Ada Deer Elementary School
Proposal # 86
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Cori Splain
Q. What is the proposed name?
Ada Deer Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Ada Deer, a Wisconsin Native, was the first woman to head the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, the first Native American woman from Wisconsin to run for U.S. Congress, and was a delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Committee. When she passed last year, her obituary was in numerous local newspapers as well as the New York Times and Library of Congress.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
During her time living in the local area, Ada Deer participated in many events at MMSD including numerous speaking engagements during Native American History Month. Additionally, Madison falls on ancestral indigenous land and it is fitting that at least one of the schools be named after a prominent figure of the Native American community.
87. Capital Springs Elementary School
Proposal # 87
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jarod Hoffarth
Q. What is the proposed name?
Capital Springs Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
The "Capital Springs" name comes from the new schools nearest nature preserve, Capital Springs Recreation Area. It would be an incredible opportunity to build a strong connection between the school and the land around it, while providing the perfect location for accessible field trips where kids can benefit from hands on learning in the natural sciences. It could maybe be thought of as something like the schools "backyard" to further strengthen that connection.
88. Evers Elementary
Proposal # 88
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Daniel Wise
Q. What is the proposed name?
Evers Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Governor Tony Evers is one of the most pro-education elected officials in modern politics and has led his entire career with students in mind. As a lifelong educator himself, Gov. Evers advocates for public education the same way we advocate for public education, and most importantly, our students. I feel it could be valuable for us to honor such a pro-education politician because now more than ever is it incredibly important to educate people about the elected officials who have similar philosophies to MMSD. Evers believes in equitable practices, and the resources needed to adequately provide them. He understands that the education all children receive should be rooted in the acknowledgement that education shapes students' future and the future of Wisconsin, and is therefore worth funding. These are only a few of the many reasons why I believe Gov. Tony Evers is deserving of having an elementary named after him.
89. Lori Mann Carey Elementary or LMC elementary
Proposal # 89
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary or LMC elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann Carey was a Madison educational trailblazer, advocate, and mother to more children than her own. She was the creator and founder of Mission 4.0, an after school program piloted at west high school; providing students with academic tutoring and a hot meal. Furthermore, she was an accountant that provided affordable tax services to the south side community. Lastly, she attended south side elementary (when she was younger it was named Badger Rock) when she was in elementary school. South side elementary was a home for Lori. It was one of the last places she visited before she passed. Naming the school after her would only be right.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
As stated above, Lori was a mother of five children and a mother figure to many more. All five of her children went to MMSD schools and graduated. Not only this, but she was the founder of Mission 4.0, an after school program targeting the growth of graduation rates of African American students. Mission 4.0 had a 100% graduation rate in the years it was implemented. Lori has been a constant, present force in the Madison Metropolitan School District and has been an advocate to countless numbers of children.
90. Otis Redding Elementary School
Proposal # 90
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Kory Wood
Q. What is the proposed name?
Otis Redding Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Otis Redding is one of the two or three most influential soul singers and writers of his era. He was a proud father of four who gave much of his time, money, and attention to serving Black youth. He was posthumously awarded a three Grammys, including the lifetime achievement award, and is in the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Redding, most of his band members, and a flight crew were killed when their plane crashed into Madison’s Lake Monona in 1967. Redding was only 26 years old.
91. Gaylord Nelson Elementary
Proposal # 91
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Sam Fischer
Q. What is the proposed name?
Gaylord Nelson Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
He is a former governor and senator of the state of Wisconsin who is an eminent conservationist who founded Earth Day. Additionally he fought in WWII and has received a Presidential Medal of Freedom
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
He is largely a non-controversial public figure whose environmental stances align with those of progressive Madison. Therefore, you won’t have to go through the process of renaming this school down the line like you have chosen to do so for many of our presidents, namely James Madison who the city is named after, and other leaders.
92. Gene Parks
Proposal # 92
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jerry Bouska
Q. What is the proposed name?
Gene Parks
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Parks became the first black alderperson for the Madison City Council in 1969 when he was 22 years old. He was also the president of the Madison chapter of the NAACP.
Parks ran for mayor in 1999 against Sue Bauman. He campaigned out of his home at 1616 Beld St., which was also the location of his former business, a tavern called Mr. P’s. He was defeated by Bauman and earned approximately 20 percent of the vote.
Long before Madisonians suddenly discovered that their city had the worst racial disparities in the nation, there was a man named Eugene Parks who was talking about all of those issues (and more) to anybody who would listen. Parks was one of the first people to point out that there were, indeed, “two Madisons.”
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Throughout his entire life, he fought against racial segregation and discrimination.
As State Sen. Tammy Baldwin once said: “Eugene Parks was a complicated man who confronted complicated issues head on, no holds barred.” He vigorously fought against racial segregation and discrimination and was one of the first Madisonians who made its white residents look past the Farmers Markets, its Concerts on the Square, and its numerous nationwide accolades to the harsh realities that existed for people of color in Madison.
“Many of the things we are moving forward with today in the civil rights arena, Mr. Parks started and initiated long ago,” says Rev. David Hart, a Madison attorney, author, activist and pastor of Justice Church. “He was doing work in the City Council and battling mayors and fighting for us since the ‘60s.
93. Mitchell Red Cloud
Proposal # 93
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ho-Chunk tribal member and Madison resident
Q. What is the proposed name?
Mitchell Red Cloud
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Mitchell Red Cloud, Ho-Chunk from Wisconsin, earned a Medal of Honor for sacrificing his life in Korea:
"On Nov. 5, 1950, Red Cloud's Company E was in position on Hill 123 near Chonghyon, North Korea. The 25-year-old corporal was manning a listening post at the hill's ridge, right in front of the command post, when he realized Chinese Communist forces were approaching. Those forces instantly charged at him from the brush about 100 feet away.
Red Cloud immediately sounded the alarm with his automatic rifle, firing it toward the enemy as they closed in on him. He was quickly knocked down by gunfire, but he pulled himself back to standing by wrapping his arm around a tree, which he then used to steady his rifle so he could keep firing. The enemy onslaught was too much for him to bear alone, though, and he died where he fell from gunshot wounds. when he shot off several rounds to warn his troops, who were sleeping, as the enemy was approaching."
See more details here:
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Madison in the ancestral home to the Ho-Chunk Nation since time immemorial, and is known as "Teejop", pronounced Day-jope'. The Ho-Chunk people are extremely proud of the accomplishments of Mitchell Red Cloud and would appreciate the honor bestowed upon a Ho-Chunk tribal member who has earned the "United States' highest award for military valor in action".
Red Cloud's sacrifice for his Ho-Chunk people and his country represent the epitome of commitment, citizenship, and courage, characteristics that the city of Madison can get behind.
94. Southside community elementary school
Proposal # 94
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Autumn johnson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Southside community elementary school
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
It's significance is that it's truly a southside school for the southside community.
95. Willard Earl LaMere
Proposal # 95
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Hope Nye
Q. What is the proposed name?
Willard Earl LaMere
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Willard Earl LaMere (1918 – November 29, 1990), a member of the Ho-Chunk Nation, was a Native American community organizer and educational leader in Chicago, Illinois in the mid twentieth century, a period when the US government's Indian termination policy encouraged Native Americans to assimilate into mainstream American society.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Working to preserve Native American culture and values as Native Americans moved from reservations to cities, LaMere was instrumental in founding, among other organizations, the Native American Educational Services College, which became the first higher education institution in an urban setting managed by and serving Native Americans. He was also the college's first graduate.
96. Saundra Brown
Proposal # 96
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Bailey Reis
Q. What is the proposed name?
Saundra Brown
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Ms. Brown was a teacher at Frank Allis for 28 years and made a lot of significant impact on the children of Madison. I do not know if she is deceased or not but she is definitely deserving of this honor.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Saundra Brown represented equity, inclusion and fully rounded education at this school for many decades. She taught more then just curricular lessons but also provided all of her students with a safe space where they could learn about responsibility, respect, accountability and the acceptance of all in the school.
97. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 97
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jamie Mayer
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was the backbone to a lot of the community. The way she impacted others with her love and grace.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Her message to the young about education.
98. Stephanie a. Bernard
Proposal # 98
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Elvehjem elementary team
Q. What is the proposed name?
Stephanie a. Bernard
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
Stephanie Bernard was a teacher for MMSD for over 30 years. The year she was set to retire she tragically passed away due to a heart injury. She believed in early literacy for all. And called her student her children. Please help us honor her name and legacy.
99. Chris Farley Elementary
Proposal # 99
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Robert Jahsman
Q. What is the proposed name?
Chris Farley Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Chris Farley is an extremely prominent person who brought laughter to millions of people worldwide.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Chris Farley is an extremely prominent person who brought laughter to millions of people worldwide. His family is also running the Chris Farley Foundation located in Madison.
100. Lori Mann Carey
Proposal # 100
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Terrell Carey / Carey On Entertainment
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann Carey was the true definition of a “prominent” human being. My mother made it an emphasis on leaving no human behind. My mother understood life, and more importantly understood the different journeys life can take you on. Meaning; How can I help? How can I help make things easier for you? My mother made sure if she didn’t know the answer to whatever question it may be, she’ll find somebody who does! Over the years of her local community engagement within the Mann fund, all 5 of her children, mission 4.0, and so much more! My mother was a prominent human being in this community because she was there in times when others wasn’t, over the years people see that and to experience that type of care over time can grow you closer to an individual, and my mother did that her whole life.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
My mother grew up in the MMSD school district, all of her siblings and children grew up in the MMSD so she made it a huge emphasis that we WILL NOT become a statistic! My mother attended school board making it be known that she was an active mother in whatever decisions were being made toward her children and students of all color. Lori Mann Carey deserves this name over other candidates because she represents everything that the southside stands for all of these years. Togetherness, unity, strength, guidance, and most importantly lead with LOVE! Nothing goes around without love, and to know Lori Mann Carey, is to know that you will loved like no other. My mother is missed DEARLY! but to give this school her name, will let her and her legacy live on forever..
Thank you
101. Lori Mann Elemntary
Proposal # 101
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Lori Mann Elemntary
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was a blessing to many students on the south side.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
The district knows her and her work
102. Southside
Proposal # 102
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Bailey Reis
Q. What is the proposed name?
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Place of local significance
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
The area that Southside elementary is serving now, has for a long time lacked a local or close elementary school. The Southside area finally getting a close in distance Elementary school should be celebrated and given this namesake.
103. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 103
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jordan McGahan
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She is prominent and widely known due to direct positive impact she made on the lives of countless students, their families, and their future.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She had a clear mission and vision with her after school program, Mission 4.0, that took students without a lot of role models or help in their personal lives and were struggling in school to being excited for school and excelling in all areas. I couldn’t think of a better or more impactful name/figure.
104. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 104
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
elda garcia
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Mrs. Lori was a very wonderful women who help out her community and the children around her to make sure they had a bright future.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Mrs. Lori has help many children in her community in many different ways. She was always a positive role model and great spirited person.
105. Johnothon Roberts Elementary School
Proposal # 105
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Josh Peck
Q. What is the proposed name?
Johnothon Roberts Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Johnothon C. Roberts was apart of the 2017 first year graduates of Capital High that chose the colors, mascot, name, & message to push for the next generations to come! He is a talented, intelligent, outstanding, & very strong willed young man! He absolutely is willing to attend any board meetings to support these claims as well as show the kids in the school system a prime example of how they can be greater than he is! Thank you!
106. Lori Mann
Proposal # 106
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jayonta Messan
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Because the difference she made in SO many lives of the children and the community has been so significant! Her name still rings bells in this city! No one is more deserving.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Till this day her name is mentioned in all of the right places and in the most gracious, respectful ways. She cared for and dedicated her life to the children and schooling system! Again, no one is more deserving!!
107. Lori Mann Elementary
Proposal # 107
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Valendice Payne
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann was the type of person to use any and all of her free time advocating for those in need. If anyone attended the football and basketball games at Madison west back in the 2010s, she was ALWAYS there. Rooting for players regardless of whether her son was playing or not. She’s been a role model to me and a plethora of young adults all throughout Madison. After graduating high school she was the only faculty member to keep up with me and gift a care package for my next journey to college. The most kind and giving person I’ve ever met. Lori Mann went above and beyond to show compassion for others. From volunteering with her family to help feed families on past thanksgivings, to attending sports events as the biggest cheerleader, Lori Mann is the epitome of a community leader and good samaritan.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori Mann was the founder of Mission 4.0 at Madison West high school. She was a constant advocate any children in need of educational opportunities. A consistent presence and outlet for young adults looking to better themselves and find their path in formative years aka high school. Not only did she find a way to provide an after school program for students needing resources, she also provided accommodations to make the program better throughout the years. Got funding for a dinner/meal provided at late hours during the after school program and volunteer tutors to aid students. That on top of her being an alumna to this school building is just one of the many reasons she’s more than worth being forever remembered in the Madison school district/community.
108. Southside
Proposal # 108
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Colleen Joyce
Q. What is the proposed name?
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Keep it simple. It shouldn't need a fancy name or to be named after someone. My family grew up on the south side of Madison and are always proud to say they are south siders.
109. Lori Mann
Proposal # 109
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ciara Hart and West High school students
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori who ran Mission 4.0 changed the narrative for south side kids she gave us a place to get our worked done and encouraged us to get good grades that's something no one was doing at the time and she was a south side native she was the community
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She made black and brown kids feel seen she supported us education wise and showed up to our sporting events she supported us in every aspect and believed in the kids that most teachers gave up on.
110. Lori Mann Elementary
Proposal # 110
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Vincent Carey
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
My mom was the mom of the south side. She took to heart the phrase: “It takes a village to raise a child.” She attended parent-teacher conferences with kids who needed support, helped students fill out financial aid forms, wrote letters of recommendation for students, shadowed students in the classroom, drove students to/from school, delivered coats for kids in need, helped feed students, attended students’ school events and, as many know, was the ultimate cheerleader for student athletes citywide, from ringing cow bells at football games to her “shoot the ball” chants at basketball tournaments. Her wide popularity with students and families across the community came from the respect she earned with her dedication and contributions to so many lives.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori Mann went to this school(Badger elementary school) said her final prayer here before being informed that she had 2-5 days to live. Also, granted lots of scholarships to MMSD students through the Mann Scholarship Fund.
111. Lori Mann
Proposal # 111
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
volunteered often, worked w schools
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
the impact and effort to continue to give back to the community
112. (Lori Mann) Carey Elementary
Proposal # 112
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jekyah mick
Q. What is the proposed name?
(Lori Mann) Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann Carey was a pillar in the community. She had ties in many sports orgs and MMSD orgs. She spent her life serving the community and this is how we can honor her legacy.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori Mann Carey was a prominent figure in the community. She was known for her ability to lead with inclusion and empathy.
113. Dr. Gloria Ladsin-Billings
Proposal # 113
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Terra Allen
Q. What is the proposed name?
Dr. Gloria Ladsin-Billings
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
This person is not deceased however Dr. Gloria Billings has done so much for education not just for MMSD but for our nation in terms of education. She is nationally known and recognized for her culturally relevant work. She continues to make strides in ensuring that our students are educated parents are informed, and educators have the tools that they need to ensure success in the classroom.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
The work of Dr. Billings is world renowned. She continues to speak and lecture in colleges, universities, and school districts, not only here in the state of Wisconsin, but all over the country and world. Her work is a lasting legacy therefore, I believe that the school should be named in her honor. I don’t know anyone in recent years, dead or alive, who has put in as much work as she has.
Proposal # 114
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Marilyn Hunter
Q. What is the proposed name?
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Her parents, Bernard and Kathy Mann were very active in education and giving out scholarships before they passed, and now their daughter who has also passed, was active and carrying on that legacy.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
This person was active and helping children being there when they needed someone and a person you could count on to help out when needed. Lori Mann her daughter Ciera Carey is up for teacher of the year carrying on what the Mann family started.
115. Lori Mann Elementary
Proposal # 115
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Shana Lovings
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Manns contributions and commitment to the south side should be honored!
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She was a remarkable woman who touched the lives of many. She raised her children in the area. She taught and poured love and knowledge into MANY people.
116. Glory of the Morning Elementary School
Proposal # 116
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Brian Benford
Q. What is the proposed name?
Glory of the Morning Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
(c. 1710 – c. 1832) was the first woman ever described in the written history of Wisconsin,[1] and the only known female chief of the Hocąk (Winnebago) nation. At least one source has rendered her name as Hopokoekau, which is a corruption of Hąboguwįga, from hąp, "day"; ho-, "the time at which"; gu, "to come arriving"; -wį, an affix indicating the feminine gender; and -ga, a definite article used for personal names.[3][4][5] The name is conventionally translated as "Glory of the Morning" or "The Coming Dawn".
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
We have plaques on the outside of schools acknowledging this being Hocak land-why not a school honoring the first woman chief?
117. Lori Mann Carey elementary school
Proposal # 117
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Sugar Thomas Rodgers
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey elementary school
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was gentle and nurturing with the children. She was an advocate for their education and pushed them in ways to excel. She made it easier to teachers to communicate with children who were misunderstood. She was active in being physically present to support children who had no one to show up for them (games, teacher/ parent conferences, tutoring, meals, coat give backs, holidays...etc)
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori worked with in the Madison metropolitan school district as a advocate, mentoring students, assisting with special needs or misbehaved students. She dedicated yrs of her career to public service
118. Lori Mann Elementary
Proposal # 118
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann is and will always be south side legend. For as long as anyone can remember she has always been for the children and the community. She always made sure kids were fed, had a ride and could count on her family for anything. She put this community first day in and day out.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She is the only that is continuously giving tot he community and after she is no longer with is. She has made it so her name and purpose lives on forever.
119. Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
Proposal # 119
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Suzanne Welles
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann Carey was a well-known Southside Madison resident her entire life. Not only was she a lifelong resident, but a person who relentlessly gave to support the educational and personal needs of the community. When her parents passed away the family started the Bernard and Kathlyn Mann Scholarship to support students in Madison. Lori started her own Mission 4.0 program to help Madison’s students succeed in high school, and continued to help students fill out college applications, wrote letters and helped them to move into the higher education system.
I met Lori in high school at James Madison Memorial (now Vel Phillips) when we were 14 years old. She was an outstanding student and was the student speaker at our graduation ceremony. She was not only an excellent student but a high achieving athlete as well. She was part of our track team that took state in 1977. Her name is still in the walls for all the records we set that year. After high school Lori went on to earn an undergraduate and masters degree, as did all of her siblings. She was a CPA who helped many Madisonians with personal and professional accounts. She raised her 5 children in the Madison Metropolitan School District, and never missed a beat supporting them in the classroom, activities, and sporting events. She was well-known for her chants and cow bell at meets and games. I could go on about how Lori Mann Carey IS Southside Madison. I’m hoping that her name will on the school to represent this powerhouse, relentless African American woman who lead the way for success in many arenas for many Madison children and families over the years. She wasn’t a famous person, but a humble behind the scene’s advocate who changed lives for the better right here at home in Madison. How lovely it would be for people to find out who Lori was, and the ability for change every individual possesses, no matter how small or big a name. Please consider this prominent Madisonian, Lori Mann Carey, for the permanent name for the Southside school.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
See above
120. Badger Rock Elementary
Proposal # 120
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
Badger Rock Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
Keep it simple
121. Kolby Lee
Proposal # 121
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Kanye craig
Q. What is the proposed name?
The name should be Kolby Lee
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
No answer provided.
122. Geraldine Bernard Elementary
Proposal # 122
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Giselle Gutierrez Aviad
Q. What is the proposed name?
Geraldine Bernard Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Bernard Elementary.
Pays homage to Geraldine Bernard , first black teacher hired in MMSD… and a great name as it’s the same as another long time MMSD black educator, Stephanie Bernard. Plus the acronym B.E. Makes for lots of cool school mottos.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Bernard Elementary.
Pays homage to Geraldine Bernard , first black teacher hired in MMSD… and a great name as it’s the same as another long time MMSD black educator, Stephanie Bernard. Plus the acronym B.E. Makes for lots of cool school mottos.
123. Lori Mann
Proposal # 123
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Mara Clements
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori has always been into that no student should ever be left behind she would feed kids go to their conferences with students, clothe kids, cheer for all of them at all their sporting events she just push every kid to their full potential
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori Mann was a Southside staple everyone knows who Lori is
124. Lori mann elementary school
Proposal # 124
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori mann elementary school
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Effected a lot of the city and community’s and made a big impact on a lot of our lives.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Upbringing was in this district and majority of the people she has effected were kids of this district so when they hear the name they will know.
125. Ersie Green elementary
Proposal # 125
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jevona Johnson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Ersie Green elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was every child’s home cooked meal who never got them at home. She was everyone’s mother, grandmother and auntie. She was such a beautiful and amazing soul who cared for every child that crossed in front of her kitchen at the boys and girls club. She deserves way more than just her name on a school building to commemorate her wonderful memory.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
To simply say it she was the whole Madison’s auntie, grandmother and mother. Some of us wouldn’t be who we are without her.
126. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 126
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Joseph Coluccy
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann was a Madison legend! Well known and loved throughout the community, as a student, as an athlete, as a parent, as a teacher!
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
So many people who grew up in Madison knew and loved Lori Mann. No one deserves it more!
127. Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
Proposal # 127
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Amanda Pehler
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori was an asset to the greater Madison region. She helped students and their families, high and low, without limitations. She was there for them academically, socially, and emotionally.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Lori was always there for her students and their families in the Madison area.
128. Lori Mann
Proposal # 128
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Melani Quarles
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
A leader in the south side community who believed in educating our young kids, no matter the color. She had a program at West High School called Mission 4.0. That was her goal, to have kids reach their full potential! The program was eventually canceled because of lack of funds from MMSD. She fought to get the program started back up until her last days on earth!
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
The above answer says it all! MMSD knows Lori Mann. She cared and wanted all children to strive for a 4.0 GPA!
129. Milton McPike
Proposal # 129
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Sylvia Suggs
Q. What is the proposed name?
Milton McPike
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
He has made an impact on our lives. Hes one of many reason I became successful in life. He has opportunities for us to come to school on Saturdays and I took full advantage of it and made me value school more. He was a leader, role model and a principal.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
He has made an impact on our lives. Hes one of many reason I became successful in life. He has opportunities for us to come to school on Saturdays and I took full advantage of it and made me value school more. He was a leader, role model and a principal.
130. Lori Mann Carey
Proposal # 130
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ry Blythe
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was well known in the community and known across many churches, community orgs, and communities. When I would meet someone from Madison, the first thing I would ask them is, "do you know Lori Mann Carey?" The answer was almost always yes. She was dedicated to the young people in our community and (no exaggeration) the nicest person I've ever met. Being that widely known and beloved by every single person you cross paths with is something almost no one else can say.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She attended parent-teacher conferences with kids who needed support, helped students fill out financial aid forms, wrote letters of recommendation for students, shadowed students in the classroom, drove students to/from school, delivered coats for kids in need, helped feed students, attended students’ school events and, as many know, was the ultimate cheerleader for student athletes citywide, from ringing cow bells at football games to her “shoot the ball” chants at basketball tournaments. Her wide popularity with students and families across the community came from the respect she earned with her dedication and contributions to so many lives.
131. Lori Mann Elementary
Proposal # 131
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Catherine Gronemus
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She advocated and cheered for children!
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She advocated for students!
132. Andreal Davis elementary
Proposal # 132
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ebony shakee Anderson- Mcelvain
Q. What is the proposed name?
Andreal Davis elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Ms. Davis’s ideals and concepts on learning and education specifically black and minority education was monumental and transformative. She created programs like the African American Ethnic Academy. That taught us the history’s we didn’t learn in school with gave us pride and the will to succeed. She taught us what black excellence was and gave us a proud pathway to success. She holds a mark at Lincoln elementary her home school where she received awards and lots of recognition. She will forever be a pillar of SOUTHSIDE education and learning and leadership! She has some medical right now I think. I know she’s been barreling that proudly last I’ve seen her at Church. And even that does not stop her from educating and giving to her community. But I know she deserves this. As a student of hers this is my opinion and vote.
133. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 133
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Lisa Hawkins
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori was a pillar of our community and was such a huge influence on SO many young people. Her love and guidance was unstoppable and she NEVER stopped believing in our young people! She was always there with a smile and a cheer for all!! Such an amazing person, words cannot define her!
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
MMSD has never had such a strong and amazing person to support all, no matter their color, their race, their socioeconomic status or their talent. None of that mattered to her she just inspired ALL MMSD staff and students to do their best and love unconditionally!
134. Lori Mann Carey
Proposal # 134
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Mary Boone
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Lori Mann was so well known in our community, especially amongst the student of Madison School District. She fought hard for many programs within the district and sought after funding to support the under served youth. She believed in "No child left behind". I personally watched Lori for many years, give her heart to so many youth, by providing encouraging support to the youth. It may have been through a parental support at games, or needing rides to and from, to just having a listening ear for a child who needed to be heard. Her heart was truly for the academics of all children.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Addressed above.
135. Sunnydale
Proposal # 135
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Teresa Kobelt
Q. What is the proposed name?
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Naming after people is a nice idea, but rather fraught. Why not go with something simple and positive, like “Sunnydale”?
136. Lori Mann Elementary
Proposal # 136
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Pamela Soward
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Awesome community advocate, leader, and fighter for justice ⚖️ 🙏🏿✨️
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She and her family are products of the MMSD.
137. Emmett Till Elementary
Proposal # 137
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Perry Y Asher
Q. What is the proposed name?
Emmett Till Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Emmett Till is a widely known victim of racial violence.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Emmett Till’s horrific murder is a reminder to all of the tragic role that race hatred has played in the history of our nation. Perhaps memorializing him in this way can move us down the road to racial justice.
138. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Proposal # 138
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Samantha Spaulding
Q. What is the proposed name?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She was a former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States who is known as a champion of gender equality and women's rights, as well as having authored major court opinions on disability rights, environmental rights, and was a volunteer lawyer (and later a board member) for the American Civil Libertys Union.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Having read the strategic framework set forth by MMSD, Justice Ginsburg is a prime example of excellence. She was a champion of equality and a hero to girls and boys alike.
139. Hawk Elementary
Proposal # 139
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
David Gebhardt
Q. What is the proposed name?
Hawk Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
James wore many hats: he was a Drug and Alcohol Counselor for 30 years, where he coached many through making positive changes in their lives. He was a Pastor at Revival Ridge Church in Madison, served as the Christian Intervention Program Director for Dane County, and Executive Director for A.R.I.S.E. family services. He was also a Community Against Violence resource specialist and group facilitator for Madison-Area Urban Ministry. James Hawk has also received recognition as The Madisonian, a "Best of Madison" award program that honors the achievements and accomplishments of businesspersons throughout the Madison Area.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Hawk never did these acts for fame, fortune, or to get his name on a building and I think that is exactly why it should be on one. His acts of generosity and mentorship have helped so many in the Madison Metropolitan School District, specifically the south side.
140. Marlene Ann Cummings Elementary School
Proposal # 140
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Tina Marie A. Weishoff
Q. What is the proposed name?
Marlene Ann Cummings Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased; Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Marlene Cummings made a difference in her community from the moment she moved to Madison with her family in 1968. Throughout the 60s and 70s, she wrote, hosted, and produced programs for local TV stations that helped children understand physical differences and avoid prejudice.
A career chameleon, Marlene excelled and thrived in a career spanning five decades, always in the service of others. In addition to her work with children, television and journalism, she served a record 14-year tenure as the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation for Governor Tommy Thompson, worked as Special Advisor for Women’s Initiatives under Governor Lee Dreyfus, owned and operated a temporary employment agency, provided psychiatric nursing services, and was an accomplished artist. Most importantly, she was a loving mother, wife, family member, and friend to all who were lucky enough to know her.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Part of Marlene’s legacy lives in the hearts of those who grew up in Madison, Wisconsin in the 1970s. Beginning in 1969, starting as a volunteer, Marlene served as the human relations consultant for kindergarten through fifth grade in the Madison metropolitan school district. In this role, Marlene conceived and implemented a curriculum to reduce prejudice by teaching students how to respect their own and others’ individual differences. Building on this work, Marlene brought her curriculum to school districts across the U.S. and Canada; invited to write a column in the Wisconsin State Journal called “Dear Mrs. Cummings” to answer children’s questions about individual differences and prejudice; and wrote, produced, and hosted three children’s television shows about understanding prejudice. Marlene was known for her use of puppets in her anti-prejudice work and said this was because the puppets “could say things to children she couldn’t as an adult.”
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Mrs. Marlene Cummings and the repeated lessons she taught us showed us how people were created the same — that our biology was almost identical and that the color of our skin came from melanin. Those facts made it so obvious to me that there was no reason to treat people differently because of the color of their skin, that no one would ever do that.
Cummings was a registered nurse with training in psychiatric and public health and she started volunteering in public school classrooms, using puppets and games to talk with kids about “differences” and prejudice. “That includes physical handicaps, mental handicaps, obesity, being part of a visible ethnic minority such as Mexican-American or Black, having a background of poverty or coming from a broken home,” she told The New York Times in 1979. That’s right — a decade after her arrival in Madison, her work was already making national news.
.... Each set of information above are excerpts from others published writings.
I personally remember Marlene Cummings from witnessing her sharing information. Specifically, her teachings about melanin gave me information as a young child that I passed on to my children and grandchildren. I have remembered Marlene Cummings my entire life for the information that she courageously voiced. It is important that she be honored. Please be courageous and place her name on this school so that she is researched for who she was to this world and so that her words and teachings are researched, reread and are spoken again in our community. Marlene Cummings words are as relevant now as they were when she first stood up and addressed our community. Some of us learned from her early in our lives, some of us still have much to learn.
Thank you for your consideration to honor Marlene Cummings by calling one of MMSD's schools by her name.
141. Badger II Elem. or Badger 2 Elem. School
Proposal # 141
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ms. Pia
Q. What is the proposed name?
Badger II Elem. or Badger 2 Elem. School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
Naming it after the 1st Historical Badger School was on same site.
Name is also similar to Badger Rock Community Center, attached to same building.
142. Southside Community School
Proposal # 142
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Jessica Tiller
Q. What is the proposed name?
Southside Community School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Our name began as Southside and I think there is grace in the community we have already built around this name. By connecting more to we can break barriers around what comes with Southside alone.
143. Marlene A. Cummings Elementary School
Proposal # 143
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Frances Steele
Q. What is the proposed name?
Marlene A. Cummings Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
From Madison Magazine: "Marlene Cummings skated into Madison from Indiana in 1968 with her husband, Nelson (the first director of the Urban League of Greater Madison), and their four sons. Cummings was a registered nurse with training in psychiatric and public health and she started volunteering in public school classrooms, using puppets and games to talk with kids about “differences” and prejudice. “That includes physical handicaps, mental handicaps, obesity, being part of a visible ethnic minority such as Mexican-American or Black, having a background of poverty or coming from a broken home,” she told The New York Times in 1979. That’s right — a decade after her arrival in Madison, her work was already making national news.
The kids loved her. Madison Metropolitan School District hired her to its human relations staff, and the curriculum she developed was ultimately adopted in 27 states. She created and hosted three television programs, including a live weekly show called “Very Important People” that ran on WISC-TV. Throughout the 1970s, she wrote a Wisconsin State Journal column called “Dear Mrs. Cummings” in which kids and their parents could ask tough questions; some endearing, most well-meaning and several that are too offensive to repeat here. One has to assume — hope — that Cummings gave only as much as she anted to. It’s hard to imagine a similar scenario today. According to a 2018 Madison365 article by Mackenzie Krumme — published two years before Cummings’ death at 84 and well worth seeking out today — Cummings’ 10-year career as an educator and columnist came to an end in 1979, when Gov. Lee Dreyfus tapped her to run an initiative on women’s issues. She went on to serve as Gov. Tommy Thompson’s regulation and licensing secretary for 14 years."
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
From Madison Magazine: "Cummings was a registered nurse with training in psychiatric and public health and she started volunteering in public school classrooms, using puppets and games to talk with kids about “differences” and prejudice. “That includes physical handicaps, mental handicaps, obesity, being part of a visible ethnic minority such as Mexican-American or Black, having a background of poverty or coming from a broken home,” she told The New York Times in 1979. That’s right — a decade after her arrival in Madison, her work was already making national news. The kids loved her. Madison Metropolitan School District hired her to its human relations staff, and the curriculum she developed was ultimately adopted in 27 states."
As an MMSD parent, I can't think of work more important than teaching children to love and respect each other. We need this type of learning now more than ever.
144. Ada Elizabeth Deer
Proposal # 144
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Title VI Native Parent Committee
Q. What is the proposed name?
Ada Elizabeth Deer
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Ada Deer was born in Keshena as a member of the Menominee Tribe. Her mother was a strong advocate for Native American rights, and Deer followed in her footsteps. She was the first Menominee to earn an undergraduate degree at the University of Wisconsin (UW). In 1961, she was the first Native American to receive an M.S.W. from the Columbia University School of Social Work. Her work on behalf of the Menominee led to the Menominee Restoration Act of 1972, which officially returned the Menominee Reservation to federally recognized status. Because of this accomplishment, Deer became the first woman to chair the Menominee Tribe in Wisconsin.
Her political activism included running for Wisconsin secretary of state in 1978 and again in 1982. In 1992, she became the first Native American woman in Wisconsin to run for U.S. Congress. In 1993, Deer was appointed assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior, as head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs; she was the first Native American woman to hold that position. While in office, she helped set federal policy for more than 550 federally recognized tribes.
Ada Deer passed away on August 15, 2023.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
While living in Madison, as an educator and social worker, she taught classes at the UW-Madison School of Social Work and, in 2000, she became director of the American Indian Studies Program.
In 2018, Deer became the first person to participate in the Culture Keepers/Elders-in-Residence Program at UW-Madison, which seeks to improve the experiences of Native students across campus by building relationships with an older and honored Native leader. Deer also served as chairperson of the Native American Rights Fund and was active in many other community activities.
Because of her groundbreaking accomplishments, Ada Deer received many awards, and in 2019 she was inducted into the Native American Hall of Fame. In 2023, Governor Tony Evers proclaimed August 7 to be Ada Deer Day in Wisconsin.
145. Harriet Tubman
Proposal # 145
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Yolanda Pushetonequa
Q. What is the proposed name?
Harriet Tubman
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Conductor of the Underground Railroad, leading slaves to freedom.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Black Americans shall have the opportunity to honor an important figure in Black history. All Americans who can identify with the importance of civil rights and liberties shall also find meaning in honoring Tubman each day.
146. Goodman Elementary
Proposal # 1446
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Elisha Terre
Q. What is the proposed name?
Goodman Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Bob and Irwin Goodman were brothers and philanthropists that gave so much to Madison, including public pools, community centers, programs for poor kids and the disabled.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Because it’s time that the district recognizes the positive impact that the Jewish people have had on Madison. Especially in this day and age with rising antisemitism, Madison should stand up for their Jewish community and show a sign of respect and support.
147. Goodman
Proposal # 147
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Heidi Robertson
Q. What is the proposed name?
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
The Goodman brothers whose impact In philanthropy is known all over Madison
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
The Goodman brothers whose impact In philanthropy is known all over Madison. The community centers that have been named after the brothers and the pool are big part of the Madison metropolitan school district
148. Earsie Green
Proposal # 148
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Earsie Green
Q. What is the proposed name?
Earsie Green
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Earsie served children in Madison for over 25 years she was a member of our community and loved by our children
149. Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
Proposal # 149
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Sydney Thomas
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She made it her life mission to change the lives of young people of color and remind them that they are worth something and that they are seen
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She was involved at sporting events always cheering on her kids and others as if they were her own. She also started a program called mission 4.0 in which helped students on their academic journeys.
150. Richard Davis elementary school
Proposal # 150
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Tonya Rasmussen
Q. What is the proposed name?
Richard Davis elementary school
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Famous jazz bassist, UW professor, leader of The Institute of Racial healing” to better our community and world.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
His daughter attended Madison schools and he was a lifelong teacher in the Madison community and worldwide.
151. Lori Mann Carey Elementary school
Proposal # 151
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Zee Brooks
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary school
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
This person is prominent to me because she had the biggest impact for me in my high school years. The drive, support and light she radiated was more than she'll ever know. WE as black students needed that!
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
I'm high school Lori was the face of mission 4.0; an after school program that allowed students to work on homework and assignments that they needed help on or moral support. It was a safe place for kids to come have fun, laugh, connect, eat all while getting struggling assignments done
152. Walden
Proposal # 152
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Lilly Schoone
Q. What is the proposed name?
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Reflective of Henry David Thoreau's famous book, Walden, it reminds us to find the meaning in our lives and how we can shape the world around us :)
153. Lori Mann Carey
Proposal # 153
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Rebecca Harrington
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She greatly influenced my friends and childhood growing up. She always supported our sports and aspirations.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She was a big part of the south side for many years. Helped students meet their goals and needs!
154. James Jackson
Proposal # 154
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
James Jackson
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
He was an escaped slave who founded Freedom, Wisconsin, while slavery still existed in the south.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
The district wants to emphasize the achievement of black individuals. I can't think of any greater accomplishment then going from slavery to founding a town that still stands today.
155. RBG Elementary
Proposal # 155
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Kara McNeill
Q. What is the proposed name?
RBG Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Supreme Court Justice, who fought for women's rights.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought fiercely for women's rights, was the first Jewish women to serve on the court, and fought for gender equality. MMSD strives to reflect these values within the schools so it would be an honor if the school itself was named for this leading figure that fought to make our country more fair, inclusive, and welcoming for our children, especially our women.
156. Richard Davis Elementary School
Proposal # 156
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Pete Loerke
Q. What is the proposed name?
Richard Davis Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Richard was a world renowned Jazz musician, civil rights activist and UW professor.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Richard Davis was an educator. Not only at the college level but to all who knew him. I was his neighbor for over 20 years and saw the excellent connection he made with children, including my own.
157. Brightview Elementary
Proposal # 157
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Alivia Walker
Q. What is the proposed name?
Brightview Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
“Bright” suggests intelligence, happiness, and a positive learning environment. “View” evokes a sense of possibility and looking forward to the future. The name suggest a school that is happy, optimistic, and inclusive.
158. Bell Hooks Elementary
Proposal # 158
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Danny McDonnell
Q. What is the proposed name?
Bell Hooks Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
She attended UW Madison and represents equity in every sense of the word.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
She attended UW Madison
159. RockSide Elementary
Proposal # 159
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
RockSide Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Place of local significance
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
The school would be named after the street it sits on. Rimrock road which has been a staple neighborhood for a lot of the urban community and others who have grew up here.
160. Neutral Link Elementary
Proposal # 160
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Tarnesha Brown
Q. What is the proposed name?
Neutral Link Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
So every one can feel welcomed and comfortable in this community ❤️
161. John Hill Elementary
Proposal # 161
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ruben Ernesto
Q. What is the proposed name?
John Hill Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
John HIll and his wife Amanda Carmichael are the first African American business owners in Madison Wisconsin. They opened a grocery store on East Dayton Street that operated into the 1980's. In today's day and age, what are we promoting most is empowerment, and that means economic independence, economic power.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
John HIll and his wife Amanda Carmichael are the first African American business owners in Madison Wisconsin. They opened a grocery store on East Dayton Street that operated into the 1980's. In today's day and age, what are we promoting most is empowerment, and that means economic independence, economic power.
162. Helen McLean Elementary - or - Geraldine Bernard Elementary
Proposal # 162
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Ruben Ernesto
Q. What is the proposed name?
Helen McLean Elementary - or - Geraldine Bernard Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
In my research I couldn't find a conclusive answer as to the first black teacher in MMSD. In one source I found Geraldine hired in 1963.
In another source I found Helen as first black teacher in 1961. Either way, I think naming the school after either would be great and significant. Helen in particular, she worked at Longfellow Elementary, another elementary school like Southside.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
In my research I couldn't find a conclusive answer as to the first black teacher in MMSD. In one source I found Geraldine hired in 1963.
In another source I found Helen as first black teacher in 1961. Either way, I think naming the school after either would be great and significant. Helen in particular, she worked at Longfellow Elementary, another elementary school like Southside.
163. Rock Elementary
Proposal # 163
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Kaden Rolff
Q. What is the proposed name?
Rock Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Because rock personally means to me, strong, durable, meaningful, and is the safest cannot be crushed.
164. Bader Ginsburg Elementary
Proposal # 164
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Rachel Woodley
Q. What is the proposed name?
Bader Ginsburg Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a Supreme Court justice who spent her lifetime fighting for Women’s rights and against gender discrimination.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Though she has no specific ties to MMSD, in the midst of the overturn of Roe Vs. Wade, she signifies strength among women everywhere.
165. Southside Elementary
Proposal # 165
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Harper Cox
Q. What is the proposed name?
Southside Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Place of local significance
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
I believe the current name that I proposed to keep it the same respects the area that it's in which has a great meaning to the los cal southside community.
166. Southside
Proposal # 166
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Sarah Chronquist
Q. What is the proposed name?
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
As a parent of current Southside students, they identify with the name and know the school as Southside. They’ve already had to adjust from Frank Allis and Southside is describing the physical location of the school.
167. Nine Springs Elementary
Proposal # 167
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Chris Bruno
Q. What is the proposed name?
Nine Springs Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
It is the geographical area the school is located next to and many children who attend the school live in the Nine Springs area. The name is descriptive of the identity of the school.
168. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School
Proposal # 168
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Alice Sullivan
Q. What is the proposed name?
Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
In 1904 Bethune began the first school for Black girls in Daytona Florida. She did this with very few resources, and many thought that the school would fail. Instead, it grew, as Bethune secured donations and worked with prominent political leaders of the time to increase educational opportunities for African American students, not only in Florida but across the country. As her school grew, so did the curriculum and the Bethune-Cookman University gained collegiate accreditation in 1923, making Bethune the first Black woman to be a university president and one of only a few women in the world in this position at that time. The university she founded is still running today, 119 years later. Despite her accomplishments, Bethune has yet to have a complete biography written about her life - most cover only bits and pieces and are far too often written in the context of other (male) civil rights leaders. Bethune's persistence, determination and "inability to take 'no' for an answer," paved the way for much of the Civil Rights Movement, including increasing educational opportunities for Black students. She is someone that students can truly look up to and whose accomplishments are still positively affecting Black students to this day.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Mary McLeod Bethune's focus on educational advancement for African American Students and her determination that all students should have access to quality education make her not only a prominent national figure, but also someone who laid the foundation for current educational opportunities for African American students across the country.
169. Sunnyside
Proposal # 169
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Vania Lopez Ordonez (Southside 4th Grader)
Q. What is the proposed name?
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Here at Southside, the students believe in the importance of having a beautiful, sunny day regardless of the weather. With a beautiful new school, we want a name that is equally beautiful.
170. Woodland Elementary School
Proposal # 170
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Wendy Ellis
Q. What is the proposed name?
Woodland Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Locally significant geographical site
Q. If the proposed name is a locally significant geographical site or a place of local significance, what is the significance to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular geographical site or place of local significance?
The current Southside Elementary is located near Lake Farm Park and Lewis Nine Springs E-way, where artifacts from the Late Woodland cultures (1,000 BC – 1,600 AD) were found, suggesting that that groups or families gathered in the area during certain seasons of the year, including nomadic tribesmen who utilized the rich supply of food that was provided by the lake, the marsh and the surrounding woodlands. The Late Woodland cultures were also known for creating of a series of mounds that were constructed in the shape of various animals or geometric forms, several of which are located near Southside at Capital Springs State Park, and some may have even been located in the area prior to the land being cultivated. The name Woodland Elementary School would intentionally recognize as well as honor the cultural and historical significance of the indigenous inhabitants of the land now known as Madison. (Source: “Lake Farm Park - A Compilation of Information, Maps, Pictures and Recollections Related to the History of Lake Farm Park” by Larry Dickerson.)
171. Schooley McSchoolface
Proposal # 171
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Q. What is the proposed name?
Schooley McSchoolface
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
It's cool
172. Juan José López Elementary School
Proposal # 172
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
David Aguayo
Q. What is the proposed name?
Juan José López Elementary School
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Juan José López was known by everyone in the city of Madison. As a member on the board of education, he made it his mission to uplift the marginalized and underrepresented students, primarily Latino students. His work continued well beyond his terms and into his last days. He was a staunch advocate for the Latino community and Madison is in a better place because of his advocacy.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
Juan served on the school board. His commitment to education was well known. He never gave up trying to uplift the Latino community. His legacy should be honored and remembered through education.
173. Stephenie Bernard elementary
Proposal # 173
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Elaine P Ochoa
Q. What is the proposed name?
Stephenie Bernard elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
Ms Bernard was a beloved, well known and very dedícated mmsd teacher for 35 years.. she had a terrible health incident about two weeks before the end of the school year and right before her retirement. She died not long after, never recovering. She was a strong supporter of literacy for all students and especially was a wonderful role model and mentor for students and staff of color. She taught at several schools including LVM and Midvale and was well known in the community. It would be such an honor to name Southside after her.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
It's a way to recognize someone who had long term and close ties to Mmsd rather than someone, while maybe deserving, had more general ties to Madison or the area. Ms Bernard exemplified what can be great about our mmsd staff.
174. Schooly McSchoolerson
Proposal # 174
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Your mom
Q. What is the proposed name?
Schooly McSchoolerson
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Idea or concept which represents a broadly respected civic virtue
Q. If the proposed name is an idea or concept which is a broadly respected community value, what is the significance of this idea or concept to the Madison Metropolitan School District? For what reason would the Madison Metropolitan School District choose to name a building for this particular idea or concept?
Out of fairness to Plowy McPlowerson
175. Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Proposal # 175
Q. What individuals/groups are proposing the name?
Janessa Boone
Q. What is the proposed name?
Lori Mann Carey Elementary
Q. Which category does the proposed name fall under?
Prominent national or local figure who is deceased
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, describe why this person is considered prominent. “Prominent” is defined as “widely and popularly known.”
If you didnt know Ms. Carey personally, you knew of her. She was the one at the football and basketball games with the megaphone and cowbells. She was the one always in the schools fighting for the kids who were falling in the cracks. She was the definition of prominent and her legacy is still seen to this day not only through her kids, but also through others she touched while she was on this earth. Normally when so many people know someone, you'll find someone who has something negative to say at some point. I've never heard that about this woman. She was love and showed it to everyone she came across. She was so motivating in whatever you were doing, whether big or small she believed in you.
Q. If the proposed name is a prominent local or national figure who is deceased, what is the significance of the person specifically to the Madison Metropolitan School District that it should choose to name a school for this particular person over others of similar prominence?
If you're from the Southside of Madison, you knew Lori Carey. And she knew you. Her smile was contagious. She lit up a room with her presence, let alone her voice. She was the #1 fan at every game. Ms. Lori was the kind of person you heard and felt. Her hugs were always full of acceptance and comfort I believe naming a school after her would be the best choice because her roots were planted on the Southside. She raided 5 kids on the Southside of Madison, walking distance from the school. The current location used to be the NIP building. I spent so much time at that building playing basketball with her daughter, Alysia. Her husband, Vince, used to drive the van for the Madison Spartans for years. She was so instrumental in my life, I often find myself channeling her calm spirit now with my kids. I believe naming this school after her would be full circle as her daughter, Ciera currently teaches at OneCity in Madison.
To submit feedback, please use this web form.
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Naming Updates
The naming proposals for Southside Elementary are now posted - with 175 proposals received in the submission timeframes. Also, the Board of Education Ad Hoc Citizens Naming Committee will meet for the first time on June 17, 2024.
On Monday, May 6, the MMSD Board of Education voted to establish a 12-person committee for the purpose of naming the district's newest elementary school.
The naming process for Southside Elementary has restarted. Don’t miss your chance to submit a naming proposal!
Date | Meeting/Item | Details |
Ongoing | Submit feedback/ public input | All community members are invited to submit feedback, which will be received by the Board of Education and Ad Hoc Committee. Please use the feedback form below. |
June 17, 2024 | Ad hoc committee meeting | First meeting of the ad hoc committee, procedural (agenda); virtual, 5:30 p.m. |
May 6, 2024 | Board of Education Special Meeting | The Board of Education established a 12-person committee for the purpose of naming MMSD's newest elementary school located at 501 E. Badger Road (currently referred to as Southside Elementary) (agenda, recording) |
April 16-30, 2024 | Submit naming proposal | A second window was available for the public to submit naming proposals, from 8 a.m. on April 16 to 10 p.m. on April 30, 2024. |
April 15, 2024 | Board of Education Regular Meeting | The naming process restarted (notice, agenda). |
April 24, 2023 | Board of Education Regular Meeting | The Board announced it has paused the work of naming the new Southside Elementary School. |
February 7 - March 9, 2023 | Submit naming proposal | Per School Board Policy (6700), the public has a minimum 30-day window to submit proposals that meet specific criteria (see below). The window for submitting proposals closed at 8 a.m. on March 9, 2023. |
February 6, 2023 | Board of Education Instruction Work Group | The Superintendent and the Board of Education began the process for naming the new southside elementary school. |
As meetings and process items are confirmed, they will be added to this list for easy reference.
Board Policy 6700
Board Policy 6700
Below is an illustrative graphic followed by a narrative outlining the details of the process.
Download this process flowchart as a PDF.
Board of Education Role
Board of Education Role and Ad Hoc Committee
The Board of Education established a 12-member ad hoc committee composed of community members at a special meeting on March 14, 2022. These members are recommended by Board of Education members. The chairperson for the committee is then designated by the Board President. Once the proposals are gathered, this committee will then begin its work in accordance with the policy.
Below is a more detailed description of the role of the Board of Education in this process:
Appoint a Citizens Naming Committee. The Citizens Naming Committee shall consist of twelve individuals and a chairperson appointed by the Board President and approved by the BOARD OF EDUCATION. Each Board Member may recommend up to five names to serve on the Committee, and the Board President shall select Committee members from these names. The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall strive to ensure that the Citizens Naming Committee is representative of the District as a whole.
The chairperson will be selected by the President of the BOARD OF EDUCATION.
Establish a date by which the work of the Citizens Naming Committee must be completed.
Ad Hoc Committee Members
Citizens' Ad Hoc Committee Membership List
Members of the committee will be determined by the Board of Education on May 6, 2024.
The Board of Education established a 12-member ad hoc committee composed of community members at a special meeting held May 6, 2024. These members are recommended by Board of Education members. The chairperson for the committee is then designated by the Board President.
Committee Chair
Greg Jones
Committee Members
Eileen Bradley
Samuel Cox
Ruben Ernesto
Choua Her
Darlinne Kambwa-Bell
Alkesha Lang
Megan Mullen
Ed Murray
Kelly Rose-Cates
Benji Ramirez Gomez
Ruby Timberlake
Alternate Members
Jeanetta Weaver
Ruby Timberlake
Staff Representative
Chelsey Tubbs, Associate Superintendent of Elementary Schools