Dr. Joe Gothard, a Madison native, is firmly grounded in the community and in the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD). An MMSD alum, Dr. Gothard grew up on Madison’s east side and attended Elvehjem Elementary School, Sennett Middle School and La Follette High School. Having dedicated more than 30 years to public education, Dr. Gothard is a long-time supporter of students, staff and families and believes that people are at the center of everything we do.
The MMSD Board of Education has approved two referenda questions for the 2024 general election. One question is for an operations levy and the second is for facilities bonds.
Learn more about MMSD's budget and public school funding in this video.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction released its estimates of general school aid for the 2024–25 school year, earmarking a projected $51.4 million for MMSD. Though $1.4 million more than anticipated, that aid is short of what's necessary to fully fund things like curriculum, classroom supplies and staff wages.
Even though school is out, the need to support one another doesn't take a summer break. We’ve created a dynamic resource page full of learning resources and enrichment opportunities to create a fulfilling and engaging summer!
The naming proposals for Southside Elementary are now posted - with 175 proposals received in the submission timeframes. Also, the Board of Education Ad Hoc Citizens Naming Committee will meet for the first time on June 17, 2024.
The one-week summer camp brings together middle school students from across the district to explore intro coding lessons to program toy cars, drones and more.