Join us August 30 as MMSD's four comprehensive high schools unveil their newly completed construction projects funded by the 2020 Referenda. Connect with alumni, engage with current students and see firsthand the advancements in our high schools!
--Aug. 26: Board of Education regular meeting
--Sept. 2: No School - Labor Day holiday
--Sept. 3: First day of school for 4K, Kindergarten, 6th grade and 9th grade
--Sept. 4: All students attend, regular schedule
View the 2024-2025 school calendar
The MMSD website has information on enrollment, childcare options, school athletics and more.
As shared last spring, some school start and dismissal times have changed for the 2024-2025 school year. Make sure you know the correct times for your student’s school.
Yellow bus routes will be released the week of August 19. Download the new bus app today - monitor the status and location of your student’s yellow bus in real-time and receive notifications.
Good nutrition is a key to learning. The National School Lunch/Breakfast Program is designed to help eligible children receive complete, nutritious meals at reduced or no cost. Even if you aren’t sure if your household qualifies, we encourage everyone to apply.