New paint, ceilings, and flooring freshen up the renovated second-floor spaces. Workers finished installing the new mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection (MEPF) systems in the second floor classrooms. The second-floor bathroom renovations are also complete with new finishes.
Outside the school, work continues on the future turf practice field. The concrete curbs have been poured, new security fence is being installed, and final site grading is nearly complete. Crews will start installing the new turf field in early June. The final phase of academic space renovations on first- and ground-floors will begin shortly. Next week, crews will start demolition work in these areas.
Updates on current and upcoming work
- Moving into the recently renovated second-floor spaces
- Continuing work on the future turf practice field
- Continuing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) work in the courtyard
DID YOU KNOW: The new synthetic turf field will include practice lines and markings for football, soccer, baseball, and softball. The new turf field will be a convenient practice space right on the East High School campus.
New furniture was moved into the renovated second-floor classrooms
Site grading is nearly complete on the future turf practice field
Masons filled in the skip hoist access holes on the second and third floors
The second-floor bathroom renovations are complete
Metal panels are being installed on the mechanical room in the courtyard
New paint, ceilings, and drinking fountains were installed in the second-floor hallways