The commons space has made great progress with new storefront glass installed, stainless handrails set, and signage hung. Carpentry crews are putting the finishing touches on the social stairs and installing the new wood laminate. The acoustic panels will soon be installed, adding to the excitement of the new commons space aesthetic.
Outside, work continues on the new concessions buildings and existing locker rooms. Masons and ironworkers have made significant progress on both spaces – with the exterior shells almost complete. Cast stone and brick are ongoing around both concessions buildings and steel has been set. Later this month, interior concrete will be poured for the concessions buildings. In the locker rooms, interior concrete masonry unit (CMU) blocks are going up and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) work continues.
Upcoming construction activity:
- Installing the acoustic panels in the commons
- Installing the roofing and pouring the concrete for the concessions buildings
- Continuing MEP work in the existing stadium locker rooms and bathrooms
Did you know? The new commons space in the center of Memorial High School was originally an exterior courtyard. When enclosing this space, the new roof was built roughly 10 feet taller than the existing one. This allowed small windows to be installed near the roof. These windows bring plenty of natural light into the commons that would normally be difficult to have in a space in the center of the school.
Masonry crews are working on building interior block walls in the stadium locker rooms.
Inside one of the concessions buildings, MEP underground work is complete and ready for concrete to be poured.
The cafeteria received its final touches, with new signage, tile, and polished concrete floors.
Steel for the canopy between the two concessions buildings has been installed and the roofing and concrete for the entrance to the stadium will follow.