Interior renovations are starting to take shape
In-wall support blocking and piping have been installed in the bathrooms to provide stability for the partitions and prepare for fixtures
Making space for new building additions
Demolition started on exterior structures and walls in preparation for the new pool, gym, and fitness additions. Construction workers used a remote-controlled robot to safely and efficiently remove a three-story stairwell in the courtyard area. The removed stairwell will make way for a new addition, which will improve building circulation and access to the new pool and gym additions.
Excavation work is wrapping up in the main area of the additions and the earth retention system is almost completely installed. Workers have also started installing the first concrete footings, which will be used to support the concrete masonry walls (CMU) for the exterior of the new gym and pool.
The earth retention system and first concrete footings were installed on the south side of the project site
For additional information or questions, visit the MMSD construction page.
Did you know?
Earth retention systems are used to protect adjacent structures while an excavation takes place. At West High School, the earth retention system is used to support the streets, utilities, and structures next to the excavation.
A construction worker used a remote-controlled robot for the demolition of the three-story stairwell and exterior walls in the courtyard area
After the stairwell was removed, temporary walls were installed for safety and weather protection
Ongoing excavation work will prepare the site for the main utilities that will be installed