The current phase of construction work is nearly complete, and several spaces will be ready for staff to begin moving in next week. Next, construction crews will start work in the first-floor classrooms along Van Hise Avenue and Ash Street.
Work continues in the theater, with crews installing new rigging and curtains on the stage. The flooring is nearly complete, and the seating installation will begin next week. Construction in the theater is scheduled to be complete by mid-February.
Exterior site work has wrapped up for the winter. Site work will start up again in the spring on the practice fields and existing parking lots.
Upcoming construction activity
- Cleaning spaces where construction is complete
- Installing the theater seating next week
- Finishing drywall and taping in the offices
- Kicking off the next phase of construction on the first floor, where demolition will begin next week
DID YOU KNOW? Since the theater is on the second floor, crews could not cut the concrete to install electrical boxes for the seat lighting. Instead, the team came up with a creative solution to install an electrical raceway that acts as a carpet transition piece. This allows workers to install aesthetic seat lighting without damaging the floor.
Flooring will wrap up on the third floor this week.
Crews are drywalling and taping in the third-floor biology offices.
The physics prep rooms are complete, and materials are ready to be moved in next week.
Work in the second-floor offices is complete.
Construction is complete in the fourth-floor physics classrooms.