Progress continues on the pool and gym addition. On the first level of the new addition, finishes are ongoing. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire (MEPF) equipment installation is nearing completion on the first and second floor.
The gym equipment is installed, and the athletic flooring is ongoing. The pool ceiling painting will be completed this week so MEPF systems can be installed.
Upcoming construction activity
- Framing and MEPF hook ups in the first-floor offices and cafeteria
- Structural framing and sheathing on the new welcome center
- Demo of the existing structure for the new elevation and office addition.
- Drywall and painting in the second-floor library and classrooms along with first-floor admin offices
- Footings and foundations of the new addition infill is completed and is currently being backfilled
DID YOU KNOW? By the beginning of the 2023 school year, the school with have two additional new elevators for accessibility for students.
Drywall and door frames are completed on the second-floor library and history classrooms.
Demo and abatement of the theatre is ongoing.
The new welcome center steel structure and concrete is complete.
Painting of the new pool ceiling is ongoing and MEPF will begin this week.
The new welcome center steel structure and concrete is complete.