With the previous first-floor classroom renovations now complete, crews have shifted focus to the classrooms by the athletic and technical education wing. Demolition of the walls and flooring is complete, and workers are constructing the new concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls.
Steel beams have been installed and reinforced in the first- and second-floor bathrooms by the technical education and athletics spaces. Next, workers will install the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection (MEPF) infrastructure.
New lighting has been installed in the auto shop, and the plumbers are installing a new in-floor drain system. Site work continues on the future athletic field with site grading and infilling the retaining wall.
Upcoming construction activity
- Installing MEPF infrastructure and wall frames in the first- and second-floor bathrooms
- Continuing plumbing and concrete work in the auto shop
- Continuing site and utility work on the future athletic field
DID YOU KNOW? Masons will be installing special connectors, called FERO Break-Away Fire-Release Connectors, between the existing building and the new athletics addition. These connectors are meant to maintain the structural integrity of the wall while minimizing damage in the event of a fire. Break-away connectors are typically used when constructing a new addition that is attached to an existing building.
Progress in the first-floor athletic and technical education classrooms
Crews started site work on the turf practice field this week
The in-floor drain has been installed in the auto shop and concrete will be poured back into the trench
In the first-floor bathrooms, the steel beams have been reinforced and MEPF infrastructure is being installed
CMU walls are being constructed in the first-floor technical education classrooms
Crews removed the existing flooring in the engineering classroom to prepare for the new finishes