2019-20 Results
To accomplish our vision, we must also strive to meet a new set of ambitious goals for the future. These goals, working together, will help us stay focused on what really matters— keeping students on track for graduation and the fulfillment of their dreams, making sure our students experience thriving cultures and climates that lead to healthy identity development, and holding high expectations for all. We’ll track progress on our goals and report publicly every year.
Goal 1
Every Child is on track to graduate college, career, and community ready.
In addition to the metrics listed here, the district also includes PALS, MAP, and climate survey data to measure progress on the Strategic Framework goals. Due to lack of testing and survey data in 2020, this Annual Report provides a limited number of annual metrics, along with some Semester 1 metrics, to report on for 2019-20.
Semester 1
Goal 2
Every school is a place where children, staff and families thrive.
Semester 1
Goal 3
African-American children and youth excel in school. We’ve set a goal that focuses our attention on dramatically improving the experience of our Black youth.
To get a clear picture of the Black student experience, Goal 3 includes all students who identify as Black – including Black, multi-racial/multi-ethnic students.