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Madison Metropolitan School District

Madison Promise

Madison Promise - MMSD Virtual Learning

In many ways, COVID-19 reinvented education. Public schools across the nation discovered that some of their students flourished in a virtual environment. As such, the Madison Metropolitan School District has reimagined how we support students in the aftermath of a pandemic. 

Madison Promise Online Program  is a tuition-free online program for MMSD enrolled students. We seek to offer rigorous academics that students may engage in anywhere, provided by innovative teachers that are preparing all students to be community, college, and career ready. 

Madison Promise is a 6th-12th grade online program.

Our online program is built on five key principles:

  • Strong student engagement
  • Teachers who excel at building strong relationships
  • Quality training/professional development for teachers
  • Flexibility
  • Student’s school of choice (voice & choice)


The application for Semester 2 will be open from Dec 2-Jan 3.

Apply Now

Family Information Sessions:

December 5th: 6-7pm

Please click here to join on December 5th.

Demo Video of 8th Gr Schedule & Pearson Platform

student sitting on the floor with his laptop on his lap engaged in online learning

“The beauty of online learning is that it puts the learning in the hands of our students in ways we might not be able to do in a traditional classroom setting. Through online learning, we are able to engage students based on their needs and learning styles.”
-Dr. TJ McCray, Executive Director of Library and Technical Services

Course Offerings

Below please find the schedule for each grade level for the online program. The courses below are the only courses that will be available for online students. 

Frequently Asked Questions