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Madison Metropolitan School District

Special Education

IDEA Affirmation of Representatives of Private Schools

This Affirmation is signed by the private school representative each year to document that the Madison Metropolitan School District engaged in timely and meaningful consultation during the design and development of special education and related services.
Individuals with Disabilites Education Act (IDEA) Affirmation.


Array of Services

Speech/Language Therapy:

  • 4K - 8th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service for Speech and Language with documented impact on educational achievement.
  • 4K - 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service for Fluency with documented impact on educational achievement.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Instruction:

  • 4K - 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service (does not include ASL Interpretation) Audiology
  • 4K - 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service Vision Instruction
  • 4K - 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service (does not include materials production)


  • 4K – 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service

American Sign Language Interpretation:

  • 4K- 12th Grade: Direct Service

Vision Instruction:

  • 4K – 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service (does not include materials production)

Orientation & Mobility:

  • 4K - 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service

Occupational Therapy:

  • 4K – 12th Grade: Short-term Direct Service with required consultation (up to 12 sessions) for documented delays in fine-motor and visual-motor or visual/perceptual skills that impact educational achievement followed by consultation alone.
  • 4K – 5th Grade: Up to 6 consultation sessions for sensory processing needs related to autism or behavioral disorders when academic achievement is impacted.

Physical Therapy:

  • 4K – 12th Grade: Up to 6 consultation sessions for functional access to the school environment

* Professional Development related to the needs of students identified with disabilities

The provision of these services will occur at the student’s private/parochial school of attendance. The child must have a documented disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and academic performance must be significantly impacted by the disability. Private/parochial school students placed by their parents at a private/parochial school do not have an individual entitlement to specific special education or related services.

These services will continue to be reviewed during the upcoming school year through a collaborative process with private/parochial school staff and parents, and may change during the school year.

If you have questions regarding special education services, please email the Private/Parochial Program Support Teacher, Tracy Gibbons at:

Student Support Intervention Team

The purpose of the SSIT meeting is to come together to discuss the student’s strengths and areas of concerns.  The MMSD staff will facilitate the meeting to help uncover the areas of concerns and will help define what the school wants the child to know or be able to do. The group may offer intervention ideas that may be helpful to the teacher and the student. The group may also build a plan of action to bring about improvement and set a date to reconvene the meeting at another date to check on the progress of the intervention. Lastly, the group may decide that there is enough information to suspect the presence of a disability and a referral for evaluation may be made.

Student Support and Intervention Team (SSIT) Referral form

Referral Collection Evaluation

Complete this form to determine if a child meets WI Special Education Eligibility Criteria and need for special education or to provide information to parents regarding the developmental performance of their child.
Referral Collection Evaluation Form

Child Find Screenings

Child Find is a process designed to identify students who have educational disabilities and may be in need of special education services.  Please click here to read about Child Find.