FastBridge Information for Families K-5
In Person
earlyReading is a universal screening tool designed to assess reading foundational skills associated with kindergarten and first grade reading. It provides domain specific assessments of these component skills (Concepts of Print, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Fluency), as well as a general estimate of overall reading achievement (composite).
Families can get more specific information about earlyReading for English and Spanish instruction, by clicking on the FastBridge earlyReading page link.
This is a brief universal screening measure to assess and monitor reading fluency and accuracy. The student reads aloud for one-minute on three separate grade-level reading passages. The CBMreading assessment is a highly reliable indicator of overall reading health.
Madison Promise
Computer-based testing at home: English, Spanish, Hmong, Arabic (PDF)
Critical screening for reading foundational skills. They are also used to predict performance on state assessments and to identify which students need intervention or challenge in addition to core instruction.
Families can get more specific information about aReading by clicking on the Grades 3-5 FastBridge aReading page link.
Problem Solving tips:
Information regarding some common issues and their possible solution.