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Madison Metropolitan School District

FastBridge Grade 3-5 aReading Information for Families

Below you will find information to help you understand what the FastBridge aReading screener is, what it is used for, and how to support your student.

AUTOReading icon

Family Letters:

Letters for families regarding aReading virtual testing:

Family letter regarding testing at home

How to login to aReading for Students:

UPDATE: students must login using ClassLink. Once in FastBridge, they will select the aReading icon (as seen above).

aReading Accommodations and Supports:

For students with IEPs:

aReading Accommodations

This document provides an overview of the accommodations available for both aReading and aMath.

What is the aReading screener?

aReading is a computer adaptive measure of broad reading that is individualized for each student. The type of questions and response format is substantially similar to many state-wide assessments (i.e., multiple choice, fill in the blank). Both auditory and visual stimuli are presented for each question.

aReading is simple and efficient procedure that is fully automated. Browser-based software (nothing to download) adapts and individualizes the assessment for each child. aReading adapts to individualize the assessment to the student's developmental level. The adaptive nature of the test makes it more efficient (6 to 15 min) and more precise that paper-and-pencil assessments.

The assessment is based on ten years of research that built upon the recommendations of the National Reading Panel (2000). It is also cross-walked to the National Common Core Standards (2010). Although the test is individualized for each student, the typically developing kindergarten student receives items related to Concepts of Print, Phonological Awareness, and Alphabetic Awareness. First and second grade students receive many questions related to Phonics and basic Comprehension. Typically developing students in fourth and fifth grades receive items related to Vocabulary and Comprehension.

aReading Technical Problem Solving:

Information regarding some common issues and their possible solution.

FastBridge Problem Solving page for families.