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Madison Metropolitan School District

Seal of Biliteracy

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Biliteracy is competence with literacy skills in two languages and the ability to apply those skills within one's educational, social, linguistic, cultural, political and psychological context.

The Madison Metropolitan School District High School Seal of Biliteracy certifies student achievement of a high level of language proficiency in English and one, or more, additional languages. Students attaining this distinction have met, or exceeded, the following criteria:

  • Completion of all state and district requirements for high school graduation
  • Proficient on State and District reading assessments
  • English Language Arts coursework GPA 2.5
  • ACCESS composite score of 4.0 (ELLs only)
  • Intermediate High level World Language proficiency (Proficiency may vary by language, skill domain, program model and period of study)
  • Completion of the socio-cultural component

In addition, at MMSD, the AAPPL Measure is the assessment that will indicate the student’s World Language proficiency benchmark of Intermediate High level. AAPPL is a computer-based assessment of students’ interpersonal listening and speaking, presentational writing, and interpretive listening and speaking skills. Information about the test format and content themes can be reviewed at: and the details about testing tips can be found at:

For further questions you may contact Claudine Clark at the MMSD Office of Multilingual and Global Education.