AAPPL Family Information for High School Students
Below you will find information to help you understand what the AAPPL assessment is, what it is used for, and how to support your student.
Brief Description of Assessment:
Learn more about the AAPPL assessment in the following document:
AAPPL (pdf)
Sample AAPPL report:
What information will students, families and teachers receive?
Sample Student Report for the AAPPL test.
AAPPL Practice Tests:
The following link will take you directly to the AAPPL practice site for the areas tested in High School. Scroll to the bottom of the site to find the Spanish language samples.
Interpersonal Listening and Speaking (Spanish)
Interpretive Listening (Spanish)
Interpretive Reading (Spanish)
Presentational Writing (Spanish)
Test Topics:
Each year, the topics of AAPPL test questions are announced. The topics for this year are in the document linked below. Students in grades 9-12 will be at a level B2 (Intermediate to Advanced Low).
Test topics vary by year and language level. Here are the test topics for 2020-21.
Discussion Points:
Wondering what questions to ask in a meeting or conference? Here are some starting points:
AAPPL Discussion Points (pdf)
- Frequently Asked Questions ( at the AAPPL website)
What do scores mean?
Learn what your score represents and how you can improve.
AAPPL Central -- resources:
The test creator has a website with a great deal of information. You can find it at AAPPL Central
Prior Letters/Communication to families:
High School letters for all grades in English, (pdf)
ELL/SwD Decisions:
Learn more about appropriate changes to support all learners:
AAPPL ELL Decisions (pdf)
AAPPL SwD/504 Accommodation Information (pdf)
MMSD's Seal of Biliteracy:
Specific information regarding MMSD's Seal of Biliteracy.
MMSD's Global Education Achievement Certificate (GEAC):
Specific information regarding Wisconsin's Global Education Achievement Certificate.
Language Proficiency Documents:
Specific information regarding what "proficient" means, performance descriptors, and other information.
Proficiency Guidelines (pdf) from ACTFL
Performance Descriptors (pdf) from ACTFL
World Language Standards for Learning Languages (pdf)