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Madison Metropolitan School District

Middle School Assessments for Families

Below you will find information about the assessments for students in Middle School. 

6th-8th Grade Assessments

Calendar for Middle School Assessments:

Elementary Family Calendar

Assessment calendars for specific middle school grades can be found here.

Assessments for Some Middle School students:

You will find information regarding assessments that are for students in specific programs (DLI) or specific needs (ELL, etc.).

  • ACCESS for ELLs. English Language proficiency.

  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. English Language proficiency for students with individual learning plans.

  • AAPPL language proficiency test. For advanced World Language students and those working to achieve the Seal of Biliteracy.

  • DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps). Alternate state assessment for some students with IEPs.

  • WIDA Screener for potential EL students.