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Madison Metropolitan School District

Budget Information

2024-2025 MMSD Budget Development

How does it work?

Every year, we set out to develop a budget for our district that aligns with our Strategic Framework, meets the needs of students and staff, and is fiscally responsible in light of State mandated revenue restrictions. Our process is to:

  • Collect and analyze input from students, staff and families collected throughout the year
  • Work with schools and departments to determine budgeting goals and guiding principles 
  • Create a revenue forecast based on current law and projected enrollment
  • Develop and fund our equity investments in line with the Strategic Framework and input received throughout the year
  • Create a district-wide staffing plan using enrollment projections 
  • Develop a positive compensation strategy, including salaries/wages and benefits
  • Budget expected increases, such as utilities and transportation costs
  • Identify savings needed to balance budget gaps, focusing at the central office level first

Every year in May and June, the Board revisits this budget process to confirm directional decisions early in the process.  Revisiting budget assumptions throughout the year continues to be critically important.

MMSD 2024-2025 Fall Budget


First page of the PDF file: A18_BudgetPublicationFormatFY25FALLDraftBudgetBook
First page of the PDF file: A18_BudgetPublicationFormatFY25FALLDraftBudgetBook2

How does the Draft Preliminary Budget reflect the District’s priorities?

It is more important than ever for us to work in partnership with the community. Through our district ways of working, we collect and analyze feedback from students, staff and family all year.  The data collected is analyzed by our qualitative research specialist and published on the research website. This information is then used by the Board of Education and the district’s Senior Leadership Team to develop the budget goals, parameters, and strategic equity projects.  The following are primary examples of community input utilized to create the budget:

Budget Approval Process: 

On May 13, the 2024-25 Draft Preliminary Budget Proposal for the Madison Metropolitan School District will be presented to the public for comments and feedback through the middle of June. Development of the proposal was guided by regular monthly direction provided by the Board, along with input from staff, parents, and the Madison community.   

The Board is scheduled to adopt the Fall Original Budget at the end of October. The 2024-25 fiscal year begins on July 1, 2024.

The revenue forecast for 2024-25, includes the following budget assumptions: (1) a $325 per student revenue limit increase in revenue limit authority and (2) state ‘per pupil’ categorical aid to school districts will have no per pupil increase.