Asbestos Management
The district is responsible for compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), under the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). AHERA mandates that the district facilities be inspected for the presence of asbestos (interior only) and implement a management plan for each facility.
The regulation also requires that the management plan be updated every three years, via re-inspections with state certified Asbestos Building Inspectors. The management plan is also then augmented with Periodic Surveillance inspections every six months by trained district staff.
Asbestos Management plans are available for review by the Public at each school following a 5 day written request for inspection or at the District's Building Services Office located at 4711 Pflaum Road, Madison, WI.
Asbestos Management plans consist of three volumes of information. Volume one contains district policies, volume two contains original inspection information, bulk sampling results and floor plans, volume three contains the most recent reinspection information along with on-going O&M record keeping.
District custodial and maintenance staff receive a minimum of two hours asbestos awareness training.
Asbestos Abatement
The district manages asbestos-containing building materials in place per EPA recommendations and removes it to prevent significant exposure to airborne asbestos fibers due to on-going maintenance activities, demolition or renovation work.
Depending on the scope of abatement activity required, the district either contracts the work with Environmental Contractors or conducts the work with in-house staff.
In-house staff responsible for asbestos related work are State certified Asbestos Supervisors. Operations & Maintenance (O&M) procedures are also implemented by in-house staff for such things as Thermal System Insulation removal via glove bag method.