Definitions and Resources
Advanced Learning Terms and Definitions
A strategy of progressing through curriculum at rates faster or ages younger than the norm. Acceleration may be subject-specific or whole grade based on a student’s evidenced need.
AP (Advanced Placement) Courses
A nationally recognized program which consists of college level courses offered to high school students, which are intended to give students an opportunity to earn college credit. Credits earned appear on the student’s college transcript.
Curriculum Compacting
Individualizing one or more parts of the curriculum to facilitate and challenge a student’s learning. This is done after students have been pre-tested for mastery of the content so that some study may be eliminated; or providing the opportunity for a student to cover material at a faster pace, or in less time than the rest of the class in order to create time for enrichment or accelerated activities.
Differentiated Instruction
A best practice for all instructional staff across all grade levels and subjects that involves modifying the classroom curriculum, instructional model and/or expected evidence of learning to meet unique student needs within the classroom.
A strategy that provides students with opportunities to be challenged with more complex, higher level thinking and/or broader based activities instead of regular classroom work (different, not more).
Students are provided activities or strategies to stretch their learning beyond essential grade level curriculum or levels of proficiency.
Replacement Curriculum
Curriculum and instruction provided to a student when the student has mastered the district accepted standards for his/her/their “typical grade level” and the student continues on an advanced trajectory.
Twice Exceptional Learner
A student who is identified as both an advanced learner and a student with a disability.
Resources for Families
The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is an organization of parents, educators, other professionals and community leaders to address the unique needs of children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents as well as those children who may be able to develop their talent potential with appropriate educational experiences.
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) focuses primarily on the adults in the lives of gifted children. SENG provides information on identification, guidance and effective ways to live and work with gifted individuals.
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page is a resource guide for the education of gifted children with links to resources on nearly every aspect of gifted education available on the Internet, plus annotations and first-hand information provided by parents.
2e Newsletter
2e Newsletter is a bimonthly electronic publication about twice exceptional children. These children are gifted and also have a learning disability that may go by many names including learning differences or learning disorders. The goal is to promote a holistic view of the 2e child – not just the high IQ or the quirkiness, or the disabilities, but the child as a person.
The Association for the Gifted (TAG)
The Association for the Gifted (TAG) was organized as a division of The Council for Exceptional Children to help both professionals and parents deal more effectively with the gifted child.