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Madison Metropolitan School District

Software Request for Approval

In MMSD, all software tools go through an approval process in order to ensure they meet our standards for instructional quality and technical specifications. Do you have a software tool or online resource you’d like us to review for use in MMSD? Please follow the steps below:

1. First, consult with the content leaders in your department (for example, your Teacher Leader, Instructional Coach, or Department Chair). Ask them if they use this software/online tool, or if there is another one they would recommend. Often, your department will already have a software plan in place that should meet your needs.

2. If the software/online tool is not yet adopted in your school and you’d like to request it, please review the following lists to determine if it has already been approved for use in MMSD:

  • Approved MMSD Software List
  • *Coming Soon* Classlink Public Portal - This dynamic menu will replace our master list of approved software in MMSD. It includes information on approval status, integration features, authentication systems, and other helpful info.
  • Approved MMSD Online Database Titles - Resources adopted in MMSD Library Media Centers.

3. If the software/online tool has not already been approved, fill out the Software Request for Approval. This tool is intended for use by district leaders, school principals, and their designees only. 

  1. Note: New software requests will only be processed on a quarterly basis.

  • Late October
  • Late January
  • Early April
  • Summer

4. When working with a new software vendor, please reference MMSD Software Specifications as early as possible to verify that the vendor meets our technical requirements in MMSD.

5. Our cross-functional team will review the proposed tool for content quality and technical specifications. 

6. If approved, you will be notified and the approved software will be added to the master list on the Classlink Public Portal. Your department can then begin planning for purchasing, roll-out, training, etc. to successfully introduce your new software/online tool.

If not approved, you will be notified and should consult with your content leads for alternative solutions.

Please note: Content and technical approval does not necessarily guarantee funding approval. Be sure to consult with the appropriate department or school budget manager when filling out this request form.

Email Eric Benedict with any questions. Thank you!