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Madison Metropolitan School District

Family Resources

We are excited to support you and your child with gaining meaningful literacy experiences inside and outside of school. We hope that these resources will provide your family with valuable information about what your child is learning in school as well as good books to read that will support your children’s literacy development. We are pleased to work with you in building a family of readers and writers.

Check back as we continue to add to the resources. Reach out to your scholars teacher to find additional way to support your scholar

A students eyes peaking above a book
student looking at a book in the library
A teacher reading to students
A teacher reading to students listening
A studetn reading to a teacher

Learning to read is a journey made up of different skills working together. Let’s explore four important ones:

Please follow this link for a module about English literacy, and this link for a module on Spanish literacy development. Each module provides examples of activities you can do at home to support phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary and comprehension. When you click on the links, you will be asked to include your email address. These are free modules! Continue reading to find explanations for each skill, and handouts corresponding to the skills you will learn in the modules.

Phonemic Awareness

This is the ability to hear and play with the sounds in words. It's like clapping out syllables or rhyming words. Strong phonemic awareness helps children break words down into their smallest sounds, which is a big step in learning to read.



Phonics is about connecting letters to their sounds. It’s like learning the alphabet code. When children understand phonics, they can sound out words and figure out how to read new ones.


Vocabulary is all about knowing the meaning of words. The more words children know, the better they understand what they read. Building vocabulary helps them learn new things and express themselves clearly. 



Comprehension is understanding what you read. It's like making sense of a story. Good readers can follow along, answer questions, and think about what they've read. 

What is my scholar learning, and how can I support at home?

Below you find what your scholar is learning and ways to support them at home for both English Language Arts and our Dual Language programs by grade level.

EL Education is the provider of the OUSD ELA curriculum for grades K-5,.* The curriculum is standards-based, and relies heavily on fiction and nonfiction trade books. This curriculum is open access, and full materials are available to view and at the EL Education website.