High School Science Research Internship Program
The 11th Grade High School Science Research Internship Program is a partnership between MMSD and the UW-Madison. 11th grade students from MMSD are partnered with researchers at UW-Madison each summer. The goal of the program is to provide an authentic science research experience for the intern. As the summer ends, interns design a scientific poster and the concluding event of the program is a scientific poster session. This allows the interns to communicate their findings to a larger audience and also to celebrate the completion of their internship with associates from the university, teachers, friends and family.
Students who successfully complete the internship program receive three separate types of credit.
One full college credit awarded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison
One quarter high school science credit awarded by Madison Metropolitan School District
One quarter credit of high school experiential learning awarded per 45 hours of lab work
- Junior status at an MMSD high school at the time of application
- Available for lab work 20-25 hours per week for 9 weeks during the summer
- Attend an orientation meeting with a parent/guardian in March
- Attend all group seminars on campus during the summer
- Complete and present a formal scientific poster
- Complete all requirements and documentation for the Wisconsin Youth Leadership Skill Certificate
Application Information
2024 Application Links
Applications Due: Jan 15, 2025
Please address questions to
Kristen Riddle, sriprogram@madison.k12.wi.us
Informational Meetings for the Summer 2025 SRI Program will be held as follows:
- West High School: December 11th at 12:05 PM in Room 3102
- Memorial High School: November 22nd at 12:05 PM in Room 2232
- La Follette High School: November 26th at 12:05 PM in 1220 Sennett Court
- East High School: November 25th at 12:05 PM in Room 3406
- Shabazz High School: November 18th at 11:35 AM, Room 204