Black Excellence
Excellence is one of MMSD’s Core Values. Excellence is both inherent and developed, but it is always expressed. EDEI strategically invests in opportunities that uplift and promote the expression of excellence in our scholars, staff, and community. The programming varies from year to year but includes intersectional identities and communities so every “student, staff, and family thrives” (Goal 2) and our “African African children and youth excel in school” (Goal 3)
19% African-American Student Population
Our Village Builders and Student Engagement Specialists support the metrics MMSD identified in 2018.” We have funded college and career readiness experiences for secondary students, invested in transition support for 8th graders via our Student Engagement Specialists, partnered with 100 Black Men for the annual African American History Bowl Competition, honored students with graduation stoles who have gone above and beyond the classroom as members of our student-led student clubs, launched Multicultural Parent Groups to uplift voices and enhance partnership with families in our high schools, and partnered with many community organizations in their holistic, wrap-around supports and youth-serving programs.
We developed the newest Strategic Framework after listening to and engaging with over two thousand students, families, staff and community members throughout the 2017-18 school year. We shared this refreshed strategy with the community on July 31, 2018.
Within the framework, the Madison Board of Education approved a new and bold goal stated “African American children and youth excel.” We will measure this goal by:
- Child readiness for school
- Grade 3 Reading Proficiency level
- Grade 8 Math Proficiency level
- Advanced Learner Participation rate
- Grade 9 On Track
- Advanced coursework participation and success rate
- Student climate survey power question
Our team of experts will track progress on the above outlined metrics. Climate survey data will be reviewed in Spring 2019.
The Concept of Black Excellence
The concept for Black Excellence was born out of our new goal focused on African American children. The questions we asked ourselves were “what might accelerate the metrics associated with this goal?” “How can we ensure that the right conditions exist for our African American students to thrive and excel?” “What else needs to be in place to change the way we support our students and do it from an anti-racist, pro-Black lens?
During Spring 2018, Nichelle Nichols, MMSD Executive Director of Family, Youth & Community Engagement, began to research other school districts who are leading with a focus on African American students. Nichols talked with Milwaukee Public Schools, San Francisco Unified School District, and attended Oakland Unified School District’s African American Male Symposium. Other districts were also at the Symposium. It became clear there was a way to bring this kind of focus in Madison.
What is Black Excellence?
In August 2018, when Madison School District “launched” the concept of Black Excellence we did not define Black Excellence. We did not define it by design, because we knew that Black Excellence may mean something different to everyone, particularly Black people. However, we do hold a fundamental belief that Black Excellence already exists. For some it may be a process of discovery to uncover and nurture it and for others it only needs to be affirmed and supported.
The mindset for Black excellence is critical, because if you do not believe that each child holds within them the ability, the desire and the gifts that demonstrate excellence, then it will be difficult to ever achieve excellence. We do not believe that excellence only shows up in academic metrics. We believe it lives by seeing the fullness of our students – in the very characteristics and competencies we want all of our graduates to possess: A growth mindset, interpersonal skills, confidence, cultural competence, community connection, wellness, creativity and self-knowledge.
We issued the following statements:
- We believe in the brilliance, creativity and bright futures of Black youth throughout Madison.
- We believe in the same brilliance, creativity and important contributions of our Black staff.
- We value and believe in the beauty, persistence of our families raising Black children.
Our core values to guide these beliefs and mindset
- Excellence
- Belonging
- Racial Equity and Social Justice
- Voice
- Focus
- Creativity
Black Excellence may mean something different to everyone. We will not define what it means to you. We know that Black Excellence is grounded in the understanding that it already exists.
For some, it may be a process of discovery to uncover and nurture it. For others, it only needs to be affirmed and supported. Black Excellence begins with beliefs and a mindset, guided by our core values as a district. Our approach and strategies will be informed through a partnership with our Black students, families, community partners and staff, who will help us achieve Black Excellence across our district. Visit the Black Excellence Facebook page for current stories and updates.
Our Approach to Black Excellence
The Madison School District knows that we cannot create solutions for our Black students in isolation. We must include and honor those who hold expertise and lived experiences to share our success. Our approach and strategies will be informed through partnership with our Black students, families, community partners and staff who will help us achieve Black Excellence across our District. The 2022-23 launch of the Village Builder Project afforded us the opportunity to pilot new positions that enhance our commitment to Black Excellence, starting with our African American staff. The Student Engagement Specialists’ afforded us community members with lived experiences and connections to our African American community to begin co-creating engagement and support strategies that promote Black Excellence. Their authentic ties to students and families informs the investments we make into our efforts to improve culture and climate data, social-emotional learning, attendance and academic growth, healthy identity development, and expanded co-curricular opportunities.
We will annually assess our progress and impact on student outcomes and the metrics for Black Excellence to ensure Excellence remains the standard and core value of MMSD.