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Madison Metropolitan School District

‘Student Engagement Specialists’ Support Middle to High School Transition

‘Student Engagement Specialists’ Support Middle to High School Transition

When students transition to MMSD’s comprehensive high schools, they may feel overwhelmed. Not only are they going to a new, larger school, they also become more independent and responsible for their learning success. MMSD’s Student Engagement Specialists (SES) are critical resources for students, helping support this educational shift. 

Tatiana Smith, one of nine SESs, has made a positive impact on the learners she has worked with. 

“This role was designed to serve our secondary feeder patterns and offer a familiar face and trusted voice to support students,” Ms. Smith said.

Ms. Smith has been able to connect students with relevant student clubs and other support staff. This helps students build important relationships and grow communities that support their identity development. SES staff offer students opportunities that cultivate MMSD’s graduate vision throughout their high school years.