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Madison Metropolitan School District

Starting November 6 – Updated School Start & Dismissal Times

As you may have experienced, maintaining routine bus transportation has been a challenge for families not only in MMSD, but across the nation. After careful consideration, MMSD has made the decision to shift some school start and dismissal times across the district for Elementary and Middle Schools beginning Monday, Nov. 6. 

Updated bus route information is now available in Infinite Campus and on the MMSD Transportation website. While we know this change can cause disruption to families’ schedules, our hope is to provide the most equitable and reliable transportation possible.

Watch the Video below to hear from Interim Superintendent Lisa Kvistad regarding the shift in start times starting Nov. 6.

Tier 1

Change: 5 minute difference in start and dismissal times

Elementary Schools Impacted: Chavez, Crestwood, Elvehjem, Emerson, Franklin, Hawthorne, Huegel, Lapham, Leopold, Lincoln, Lowell, Marquette, Mendota, Midvale, Muir, Nuestro Mundo, Olson, Randall, Southside, Stephens, Thoreau

School Start Time: 7:35
(previously 7:40)

Dismissal Time: 2:35 (previously 2:40)

Monday Dismissal Time: 1:10 (previously 1:15)

Tier 2

No Change: to start and dismissal times for existing Tier 2 schools

Change: Anana and Henderson Elementary Schools move from Tier 1 to Tier 2 

Elementary Schools: Anana, Gompers, Henderson, Kennedy, Lake View, Lindbergh, Orchard Ridge, Sandburg, Schenk, Shorewood, Van Hise

School Start Time: 8:30 

Dismissal Time: 3:30 

Monday Dismissal Time: 2:05

Middle Schools: Cherokee, Gillespie, Hamilton, Spring Harbor, Toki, Wright

School Start Time: 8:40 

Dismissal Time: 4:10 

Monday Dismissal Time: 2:30

Tier 3

Change: The following Middle Schools have a 20 minute difference in start and dismissal times

Middle Schools Impacted: Black Hawk, O’Keeffe, Sennett, Sherman, Whitehorse

School Start Time: 9:00 (previously 8:40)

Dismissal Time: 4:30 (previously 4:10)

Monday Dismissal Time: 2:50 (previously 2:30)


Elementary Schools - please note 4K begins 5 minutes prior to elementary start times.

School Start Monday Dismissal Dismissal
Anana 8:30 2:05 3:30
Chavez 7:35 1:10 2:35
Crestwood 7:35 1:10 2:35
Elvehjem 7:35 1:10 2:35
Emerson 7:35 1:10 2:35
Franklin 7:35 1:10 2:35
Gompers 8:30 2:05 3:30
Hawthorne 7:35 1:10 2:35
Henderson 8:30 2:05 3:30
Huegel 7:35 1:10 2:35
Kennedy 8:30 2:05 3:30
Lake View 8:30 2:05 3:30
Lapham 7:35 1:10 2:35
Leopold 7:35 1:10 2:35
Lincoln 7:35 1:10 2:35
Lindbergh 8:30 2:05 3:30
Lowell 7:40 1:15 2:40
Marquette 7:35 1:10 2:35
Mendota 7:35 1:10 2:35
Midvale 7:35 1:10 2:35
Muir 7:35 1:10 2:35
Nuestro Mundo
at Frank Allis School
7:35 1:10 2:35
Olson 7:35 1:10 2:35
Orchard Ridge 8:30 2:05 3:30
Randall 7:35 1:10 2:35
Sandburg 8:30 2:05 3:30
Schenk 8:30 2:05 3:30
Shorewood 8:30 2:05 3:30
(formerly in the Allis School)
7:35 1:10 2:35
Stephens 7:35 1:10 2:35
Thoreau 7:35 1:10 2:35
Van Hise 8:30 2:05 3:30

 Middle Schools

School Start Monday Dismissal Dismissal
Badger Rock 8:20 2:20 2:20
Black Hawk 9:00 2:50 4:30
Cherokee 8:40 2:30 4:10
Hamilton 8:40 2:30 4:10
Ezekiel Gillespie 8:40 2:30 4:10
O’Keeffe 9:00 2:50 4:30
Sennett 9:00 2:50 4:30
Sherman 9:00 2:50 4:30
Spring Harbor 8:40 2:30 4:10
Toki 8:40 2:30 4:10
Whitehorse 9:00 2:50 4:30
Wright 8:40 2:30 4:10

High Schools

School Start Monday Dismissal Dismissal
Capital 9:00 1:15 2:15
East 8:15 2:30 3:39
La Follette 8:15 2:36 3:37
Memorial 8:15 2:36 3:37
Shabazz 8:45 1:50 3:15*
West 8:15 2:36 3:37

* Shabazz Wednesday Dismissal Time: Variable