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Madison Metropolitan School District

Glossary - Helpful Terms Defined


The assessments below are specific to English Language Learners (in all program types) and non-English Language Learners in Dual Language Immersion programming. For information about all assessments given in the Madison Metropolitan School District, please visit the Department of Research, Accountability and Data Use's Assessment Webpage.

Related Terms

50:50 Model

This refers to the amount of time that teachers instruct in Spanish and English in bilingual (Developmental Bilingual and Dual Language Immersion) classrooms. The numbers 50:50 refer to the ratio of instructional time in Spanish and English.

As you can see in the chart below, students are instructed 50% of the time in Spanish and 50% of the school day in English.

Grade Spanish Instruction English Instruction
Kindergarten 50% 50%
First Grade 50% 50%
Second Grade 50% 50%
Third Grade 50% 50%
Fourth Grade 50% 50%
Fifth Grade 50% 50%

90:10 Model (Nuestro Mundo Community School)

This refers to the amount of time that teachers instruct in Spanish and English in bilingual (Developmental Bilingual and Dual Language Immersion) classrooms. The numbers 90:10 refer to the ratio of instructional time in Spanish and English.

As you can see in the chart below, in kindergarten, students are instructed 90% of the time in Spanish and 10% of the school day in English. In a 90:10 model, the amount of time that students are instructed in Spanish decreases yearly (as instruction in English increases) until students are instructed 50% of the day in Spanish and 50% in English.

Grade Spanish Instruction English Instruction
Kindergarten 90% 10%
First Grade 80% 20%
Second Grade 70% 30%
Third Grade 60% 40%
Fourth Grade 50% 50%
Fifth Grade 50% 50%