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Madison Metropolitan School District

Employee Benefits Guide 2024-2025

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with the necessary information regarding your benefits through the Madison Metropolitan School District. In this guide, you will find a general overview of plan designs, premiums, directions on how to enroll and required legal notices. Specific information about benefits can be found online at

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Please note: The information in this guide is not intended to advise you on which particular benefits are appropriate for you and your family. Additionally, all plan documents, laws and regulations supersede information shared in this guide.

Benefits Guide

Open Enrollment is a time where you can make changes as well as enroll in your benefits. Open Enrollment is October 15 through November 15 every year. Any changes made during that timeframe are effective as of the beginning of the following calendar year.

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with an overview of your benefits through the Madison Metropolitan School District as well as your options for your election changes during Open Enrollment. In this guide, you will find a general overview of plan designs, premiums, and directions on how to make changes during Open Enrollment, as well as required legal notices.

Please note: The information in this guide is not intended to advise you on which particular benefit is appropriate for you and your family. Additionally, all plan documents, laws, and regulations supersede information shared in this guide

Download MMSD Benefits Guide

Contact Information

HR Department
(608) 663-1693

Benefits Division
(608) 663-1692

Payroll Division
(608) 663-5387