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Madison Metropolitan School District

Employment Changes

A change in employment status usually means there will be a change in your benefits eligibility.  This usually includes changing from full-time to part-time, part-time to full-time, resuming or returning from an unpaid leave of absence, being laid-off, retirement or terminating employment.  You will have a 30 day window after your employment change to make changes to your benefits (depending on the type of change). 

Newly Eligible for Coverage

If your employment status change makes you eligible for insurance coverage, you have 30 days to make your benefit elections.  More information about the benefits available to you can be found under the Benefits Enrollment Information website.

Losing Coverage

If your employment status change makes you not eligible for insurance, you will be notified by MMSD of your COBRA continuation rights.  Usually this notice is sent shortly after your last day worked with MMSD.  Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date so that you receive your COBRA continuation rights.  Additional information can be found at "Understanding COBRA" in the Additional Information box on this page. 

Your insurance coverage end date will vary based on your last day worked and what type of employee you are with MMSD.  You can refer to the When Do My Benefits End worksheet to identify when your coverage will end. 

Ending Employment

If you are ending your employment by resigning or retiring you must do the following:

Have Questions? Contact the Benefits Helpdesk at or at (608) 663-1692