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Madison Metropolitan School District

Teacher 12 Pay Check Enrollment

The 12 paycheck election is now closed as of 9/3/24 for the 2024-2025 school year for current and new district teachers.

Current Teachers

The 12 paycheck election is now closed as of 9/3/24 for the 2024-2025 school year for current and new district teachers. Enrollment will open for the 25/26 school year mid-April 2025. Please watch the MMSD Connect for more information.

Teacher pay checks

New Teachers

The 12 paycheck election has closed as of 9/3/24 for the 24/25 school year for new district teachers. Enrollment will open for the 25/26 school year mid-April 2025. Please watch the MMSD Connect for more information.

New Teacher pay checks

If you have any questions, please contact Hannah Shafer, in Payroll.