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Madison Metropolitan School District

WRS Re-Hired Annuitants

If you have retired from a Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) employer and are collecting an annuity, there are restrictions in the amount of hours you can work when you return to a WRS employer.   If you have retired on or after July 2, 2013, you are restricted to working less than 880 hours within a 12 month rolling period of time.   First, if the employee is returning to the same employer, they must have a 75 day break in service before they return to work.   Please refer to ETF's 'Information for Rehired Annuitants' document.

Commonly Asked Questions

Please contact Hannah Shafer by email or at (608) 663-5380 if you have further questions or would like to know how many hours MMSD has for you.

Have Questions? Contact Payroll or