Legal Services
The primary responsibility of the Legal Services Department is to provide legal counsel to the Superintendent and Board of Education. Consistent with that responsibility, Legal Counsel represents the District in litigation, renders legal opinions, interprets Board policies, investigates claims filed against the District, acts as Parliamentarian at Board meetings, serves as the administrative liaison for certain Board committees, drafts contracts and responds to day-to-day legal problems faced by District staff.
In addition, on behalf of the Board of Education, Legal Counsel defends against complaints filed with administrative agencies such as the Equal Opportunities Commission, Equal Rights Division, Worker's Compensation Division, Unemployment Compensation Division, Office of Civil Rights, State Department of Public Instruction and the U.S. Department of Education.
Legal Counsel also advises and represents the Board of Education on all petitions that are filed which require a hearing. Several examples of such petitions are Title IX appeals, nonrenewal hearings and challenges to the placement of students in Specialized Educational Services programs.