Pre-college and Post-secondary opportunities for immigrant students
Pre-College Opportunities
PEOPLE Program (Pre-college Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence)
Nominations in sixth and ninth grade (depending on openings)
Tutoring support, pre-college planning and summer programming during middle and high school
ITA (Information Technology Academy)
Nominations in eighth grade
Tutoring support, pre-college planning and summer programming during high school
AVID/TOPS (Advancement Via Individual Determination / Teens of Promise)
National pre-college model of in-school instruction paired with local resources provided by the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County (tutoring, summer internships and modest college scholarships)
CAP (College Access Program) and other pre-college opportunities
Summer school and special interest camps and programs (science, engineering, music, sports etc.)
Open regardless of residency status (some fee waivers via the Department of Public Instruction for low-income families)
Post-Secondary Opportunities
Madison College Liberal Arts Transfer Program
Covers first two years of general coursework
Some options to “specialize” - engineering, science
Madison College Scholars of Promise
New for Fall 2017; designed for GPAs 2.25 and above
Covers unmet need based on FAFSA “Expected Family Contribution”