Developmental Bilingual Education (DBE)
The main objective of our bilingual education program is to ensure that Spanish-speaking English Language Learners receive age-appropriate academic skills and knowledge as they acquire English. Teaching academic content to Spanish-speaking English Language Learners in their primary language gives them access to the same curriculum as students in the general education classroom. In addition, it provides them with the knowledge and experience that will facilitate their acquisition of English. Furthermore, teaching literacy skills in the students’ primary language will help facilitate literacy skills in English.
In schools where bilingual programs are not available, students are supported in the students’ primary language through Bilingual Resource Specialists or Bilingual Resource Teachers throughout the school day. Some secondary schools may, in addition, offer courses designed to build literacy in the student’s primary language.
The DBE program is offered at Hawthorne (school webpage) and Stephens (school webpage) Elementary from kindergarten to 5th grade. For more information please contact Hawthorne or Stephens directly.