Report a Safety Concern
We always encourage students to come to a trusted adult whenever they have a concern about a school safety issue. We also want students, staff, and families to know there is a statewide school safety reporting system they can contact anonymously as well.
The Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of School Safety (OSS) has created a comprehensive, one-stop place to turn to with concerns regarding school safety, called SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT (SUSO). We always encourage students to report safety concerns to a trusted adult at school, at home, or in the community. This tip line is another option.
The SUSO threat reporting system is available 24/7 and is free to all.
Students, families, school staff, and community members can submit a school safety concern by downloading the SUSO app (Android and iOS), visiting, or by calling 1-800-MY-SUSO-1.
Here is a direct link to report a threat through the Speak Up, Speak Out website.
Resource Center staff work around the clock to respond to reports and to deploy a response locally by communicating directly with school administrators, law enforcement, and counselors.
Threat reporting systems – or tip lines – are a vital part of comprehensive school safety plans. Tip lines are used to identify threats to schools, and other daily safety concerns students encounter, such as bullying, drug use, self harm, suicidal thoughts, and more.
It’s time to break the code of silence.
No one knows more about what’s going on, in or out of school, than students do. They play an essential role in keeping schools safe. It’s crucial for students to understand that there’s a clear difference between tattling or “snitching” and disclosing concerning information to a trusted adult or a tip line to keep themselves and their classmates safe. The SUSO threat reporting system aims to empower students to share their concerns safely and confidentially without fear of retaliation.