Amazing Shadows
This activity was developed by the staff of the MMSD Planetarium and Observatory. All are welcome to download, print, and copy this activity. Please also feel free to pass this activity on to other teachers, but only in its entirety. Permission for re-distribution can be obtained by contacting our office.
About the activity
This activity allows you and your students to explore the behavior of shadows. Kindergarten students become familiar with the relationship between a light source and the shadow created by an object. Students can build on this knowledge to understand the motion of objects in the current sky. The activity can culminate with a race like activity.
Obtaining a copy of this activity
The Amazing Shadows activity is available for download (copy permission is granted for educational use, but not for redistribution for profit).
Amazing Shadows (PDF Version 2.1, 28K)
Assessment (PDF 48K, added 11/10/03)
NOTE: If you are unable to download and print the activity, please call our office, and we will either help you download it, or send you a copy.