Observing the Moon
This activity was developed by the staff of the MMSD Planetarium and Observatory. All are welcome to download, print, and copy this activity. Please also feel free to pass this activity on to other teachers, but only in its entirety. Permission for re-distribution can be obtained by contacting our office.
About the activity
The Observing the Moon activity was designed to have students explore the observable pattern in the appearance of the Moon. The activity doesn't attempt to address the actual cause for these patterns. The Observing the Moon activity provides an easy way to record a lunar observation for 24, or more days. This is an easy, but very rewarding. way to teach the basics of lunar observation skills.
Obtaining a copy of this activity
The Observing the Moon activity is available for download (copy permission is granted for educational use, but not for redistribution for profit).
Observing the Moon (PDF Version 3.0, 48K)
NOTE: If you are unable to download and print the activity, please call our office, and we will either help you download it, or send you a copy.