For Instructors
Proposal Templates
If you are interested in offering courses at MMSD, please read through the following process.
Every course requires a Course Proposal. You will find the Course Proposal templates below. Make a copy of the document, change the file name to the course title, and fill it in with the pertinent information. Instructions to submit the course are on the cover-sheet of the document. Please allow 5 to 7 days for PLLD to post your course.
Course Proposal Template (Instructor-led, live, or in-person courses)
Self-Paced Course Proposal Template (please contact to begin)
PD Instructors in the Teacher Unit
Teachers who teach PD Courses: Building-based teachers who teach professional development courses may receive PACs only for the PD delivery during non-contract hours (not for planning time). Or if approved by a supervisor, they may be paid Extended Employment for work performed outside of the contract time.
Central Office teachers who teach professional development courses as part of their regular duties should plan, prepare, and deliver PD courses as part of their normal roles and responsibilities. Or, if approved by a supervisor, they may be paid Extended Employment for work performed outside of the contract time.
In order to receive credit, register and enroll just as a participant would for your course. When crediting your participants, you will also credit yourself the same number of PACs.