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Madison Metropolitan School District

Student Fees 2024-25

Elementary School Fee Schedule

 Category  Fee
 Consumable Materials Fee (Grades 4K-5)  $40.00 per year
 Music Instrument Rental (Grade 5)  $20.00 per semester

Elementary School Planner Fee

 Category  Fee
Chávez Grades 4 & 5 $4.00
Crestwood Grades 4 & 5 $4.00
Van Hise Grades 4 & 5 $4.00

Middle School Fee Schedule

 Category  Fee
Textbook Fee (Grades 6-8) $35.00 per year
Music Instrument Rental (Grade 6) $20.00 per semester
Music Instrument Rental (Grade 7-8) $70.00 per semester
Consumable Materials Fee $20.00 per year

Middle School Miscellaneous Fee Schedule

 Category  Fee
Lock Fee
Cherokee Heights $6.00
Gillespie $6.00
Sennett $6.00
Sherman $6.00
Spring Harbor $6.00
Toki $6.00
Whitehorse $6.00
Wright $6.00
Planner Fee
Whitehorse $7.00
Wright $5.00
Yearbook Fee (Optional)*
Badger Rock $15.00
Black Hawk $18.00
Cherokee Heights $15.00
Gillespie $18.00
O'Keeffe $15.00
Sennett $15.00
Sherman $15.00
Spring Harbor $18.00
Toki $15.00
Whitehorse $15.00
Wright $15.00

*Fee Waiver is not applicable

High School Fee Schedule

 Category  Fee
Textbook Fee (Grades 9-12) $35.00 per year
Student Activity $30.00 per year
Music Instrument Rental (Grade 9-12) $70.00 per semester
Consumable Materials $17.00 per year
Athletic Participation Fee (Grade 9-12) $115.00 per sport
Maximum Participation Fee (Grade 9-12) $500.00 per family
Athletic Participation Surcharge (Grade 9-12)
(Surcharges are in addition to the $500.00 Family Maximum)

Hockey - $800.00

Gymnastics - $100.00

Wrestling - $100.00

Boy's Golf - $118.00

Girl's Golf - $118.00

Student Athletic Event Pass $20.00 per pass
Student Individual Event Ticket $3.00 per event
Adult Individual Event Ticket $5.00 per event

High School Miscellaneous Fee Schedule

 Category  Fee
Lock Fee
East (fee only charged if not on locker) $5.00
La Follette, Shabazz, West (only if lost) $5.00
Parking Lot Fee
La Follette $20.00/semester
Memorial $40.00/year
Planner Fee
West $6.00
Yearbook Fee (Optional)*
East $50.00
La Follette $50.00
Memorial $50.00
Shabazz $20.00
West $50.00

*Fee Waiver is not applicable 

For a list of the High School Course Fees click here

USDA Breakfast Prices (Adults)

 Category  Fee
Adult @ Elementary $2.45
Adult @ Middle School & High School $2.45

USDA Lunch Prices (Adults)

 Category  Fee
Adult @ Elementary $5.00
Adult @ Middle School $5.00
Adult @ High School $5.00