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Madison Metropolitan School District

Resource Development

The Resource Development Office supports departments and schools to leverage local, regional and national resources to secure public and private grant funds and donations that advance the district’s Strategic Framework and fundraising priorities.

Need more help?

Carrie Stahl
Grants Development Analyst
(608) 442-2161


Grant Inquiry Form for MMSD Staff Writing Grants

Applying for a grant? All MMSD staff must start here.

Review grant application guidance

Grant Support and Review Request Form for External Agencies Writing Grants

Organizations applying for grants that involve MMSD start here.  If you are requesting data, first complete the External Research form.

Grant Opportunities

Find links to a variety of grant opportunities that may be of interest to you for your classroom.

Using DonorsChoose

Principals must approve all DonorsChoose Projects Prior to Staff Posting Them

Got a Grant or Donation? What's Next?

Learn how to move forward once you have received a donation or grant

Grant Development Workflow

Learn and understand the process of grant development.

How can we help you?

  • Grant Development Services – project managing the grant development process, grant writing and editing, budget development, internal review process
  • Facilitating the Grant Workflow Process – supporting individuals and teams through MMSD's grant vetting and review process, proposal feedback and light editing
  • Providing Information on Grant Opportunities – identifying and announcing funding opportunities
  • Fundraising - coordinating strategic fundraising efforts