Early College STEM Academy Curriculum Overview
The Early College STEM Academy is a partnership between the Madison Metropolitan School District and Madison College. The STEM Academy is designed to provide access to college courses in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math) which are anticipated to be areas with high-demand and high-wage jobs of the future. This opportunity to earn college credit while in high school comes at no cost to students or their families. Students enrolled in the program will have access to a range of courses at Madison College that include options for transfer to a four-year college or university. Students can choose to focus on one area interest or to explore multiple options, based on their personal goals.
Program Options
The Associate of Science Degree
The Associate of Science Degree prepares students to transfer to a major in a STEM field at a four year college. It is like the first two years of a Bachelor of Science. The sixty credits required for the degree are transferable, so a student completing the degree can enter a four year college with junior standing. Most of the classes students will enroll in during the first year at the Early College STEM Academy will satisfy requirements of the Associate of Science Degree.
Applied Associate Degrees in STEM Areas
Applied Associate Degrees are two year programs which can lead directly to employment opportunities or be a starting point for completing a bachelor degree program. Coursework in the Applied Associate Degree programs helps students prepare for college and career opportunities across a variety of in-demand STEM fields, including:
- Engineering (including: civil, electrical, mechanical)
- Information Technology (including: networks, web and mobile applications, cloud support, cybersecurity)
- Additional Technology Fields (including: electronics, automation, architecture)
11th grade student suggested Madison College Courses 1
Fall 2025
STEM Elective
Options span across program offerings. See counselor for complete list.
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Credit number varies
Intermediate Algebra
Options span from algebra to calculus
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Algebra 2
Math Credit = 1.33 cr 2
Introduction to College Writing
Other option is English 1
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
English 3
English Credit = 1.0 cr 2
20th Century America
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Modern US History
Social Studies Credit = 1.0 cr 2
Physical Education course
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Physical Education Credit
PE Credit = 0.5 cr 2
College Success
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Elective = 1.0 HS Credit
STEM Seminar
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Elective - 0.33 HS Credit
Spring 2026
STEM Elective
Options span across program offerings. See counselor for complete list.
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Credit number varies
Choice of Science
Examples: College Chemistry 1, University Physics 1, and others
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Science Credit
Credit number varies 2
Choice of Math
Examples: College Algebra, Math Analysis, Statistics, and others
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Math Elective Credit
(varies based on selected course)
English 1 or English 2
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
English 4
English Credit = 1.0 cr 2
College Success
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Elective = 1.0 HS Credit
STEM Seminar
MMSD Course & Credit Equivalency
Elective - 0.33 HS Credit
1 Specific course selection will be determined individually based on student personal goals
2 Indicates credits required for high school graduation