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Madison Metropolitan School District

Nursing Assistant (CNA) Application Process and FAQ

Next Steps:

Step 1:  Create/Activate a Madison College Account

  1. Go to this site, and then click on "Create/Activate your student account".  Follow the steps to completion.  (Be sure to take note of your Madison College ID number, emails address and password).
  2. Once completed, be sure to activate your myMadisonCollege login.

Step 2:  Contact Disability Resource Services

Students with documented learning disabilities or who need other accommodations to be successful should work with Madison College’s Disability Resource Services. Information and required steps are available here.

Step 3:  Background Check and Immunization Record
Castlebranch is the system that Madison College uses to complete your background check and review immunizations.  Here are the instructions:

  1. Fill out the Background Information Disclosure (BID) form honestly and accurately.  Be sure that ALL sections are complete.  EVERY blank must be completed.  If something does not apply to you, enter NA for not applicable.  (You must be thorough in your response to all items, on the BID form. If you indicate "no" and there are pending or convicted crimes on your background check results, admission to a health program and/or registration to a Nursing Assistant course may be denied. It is in your best interest to reveal everything; any discrepancies between your responses and the background check results will likely affect your entry into the program.)
  2. Scan or take a picture of the BID form and have it ready when proceeding into Castlebranch.
  3. Locate your immunization records (The Wisconsin Immunization Registry can be the easiest way to get this information; or contact your doctor).  Also, have a digital copy (scan, save as PDF, or take a picture) of this document available when proceeding into Castlebranch.
  4. Go to the CastleBranch website to complete the background check process.
  • In the upper right corner, click on PLACE ORDER.
  • On the next screen, enter the code provided for you in a separate email from MMSD in the Package Code box. Press Submit.
  • Check the box to agree to the terms on the next screen and press Continue.
  • The next screen requests a PIN, enter the code provide in a separate email from MMSD.
  • Proceed through the remaining screens.

If you are concerned about anything that may come up on your background check, contact Marie Dusio at or 608.320.7591 prior to completing this step.
Step 4:  PrepSteps Session

The district will send one or more dates for a student and parent to participate in a PrepSteps Session led by Madison College Staff.  This presentation covers requirements and next steps for the Nursing Assistant program.  This is a required step.  Students only need to attend one session.

Step 5:  2-Step TB Test (to be completed between June 1 and August 15)

Each Nursing Assistant candidate is required to complete a 2-step Tuberculosis (TB) Screening.  This is not a vaccination.  The screening process requires FOUR (4) visits to your clinic.  The first visit will be to place the screener and the second will be to read the screener.  And you must repeat this process to complete the required screening.  After the second reading, your clinic will provide a letter sharing the placement and reading dates as well as the results.  

Scan or take a picture of this letter.

Login into your Castlebranch account and upload your document in the TB Screening section for review.

Step 6:  Flu Vaccination (to be completed after new flu vaccination is available, typically after August 15 of the current year)

You can obtain a current flu shot from your clinic or a local pharmacy.  Upon completion the clinic or pharmacy will provide you proof of vaccination and also upload the data to the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR).  
Either scan or take a picture of the documentation or download a new copy of your immunization record from the WIR.
Login into your Castlebranch account and upload your document in the Flu Shot Section for review.

Step 7:  Watch your email

Check your Madison College e-mail account regularly for any messages from instructors or programs. This is the method of communication for official Madison College business.

Frequently Asked Questions