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Madison Metropolitan School District

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

The Individual Education Plan (IEP) documents how the student will be served in special education. The IEP is designed annually by an IEP team, yet can be adjusted at any point during the school year via the review/revise process.  An IEP is designed to explain how the student's disability affects his or her learning, state the student's present level of academic and functional performance,  identify annual goals for improving the present level of performance, and describe the services that the student needs in order to achieve the stated goals.  Language support and interpretation is available for families whose native language is other than English.   See a guide to the contents of an IEP from the Center for Parent Information and Resources.

IEP Team 

The IEP team consists of various educational roles to include multiple perspectives when designing the IEP.

IEP Meeting

The IEP team must hold a meeting at least annually.

IEP Document

The IEP document contains the specialized plan for each student