Invitation and Cover Page
I-1 Invitation is used to notify parents that the LEA (Local Education Agency) will conduct the IEP team meeting. The purpose is to inform the parents what way be discussed, who will be there, and remind them about their rights. The information on the invite includes:
- Information about the time/location of the IEP meeting
- Purpose of the IEP meeting (may include reviewing existing data, determining eligibility, composing the IEP, and determining placement)
- IEP Team Participants (including any outside agencies or staff from other districts where students are open enrolled)
- A check that you have provided parent with the Special Education Rights for Parents and Children - Spanish - Hmong (aka procedural safeguards)
I-3 Cover Sheet is used to document the purposes of the IEP meeting and those who were in attendance. A cover sheet must accompany every Invitation
I-2 Agreement on IEP Team Participation at IEP Mtg. Excusing a required IEP Team member from an IEP meeting - See MMSD Guidance Document - Participant Attendance at an IEP Meeting. A required IEP team member may be excused from the meeting if the parent and district agree in writing (I-2 Agreement on IEP Team Participant Attendance at IEP Meeting) and IF his/her/their area of curriculum or related service will be discussed at the meeting, the IEP team member submits written input into the development of the IEP prior to the meeting. Only required IEP team members, not additional IEP team members need to be excused in writing. (see IDEA Complaint Decision 12-059, WI DPI). If the parent is not present at the meeting, or unable to be reached for consent to excuse the team member, a meeting should be scheduled in which all team members can attend.