Present Level of Academic & Functional Performance
See sample I-4LF for details about content of Present Level of Performance
Strengths - Describe the student's strengths (including academic skills, communication skills, social skills, and interests). Include include academic strengths, how the student learns best, strengths in different learning styles: Visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical - mathematical, or any others.
Current Academic Achievement -
Identify the student's current levels of academic achievement in reading, math, written language as compared to grade level standards and typical peer performance. Include reading achievement for all students. For preschool children, describe the child's acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy). This is where you should be able to find baseline academic information for the student. This baseline information helps identify the needs of the student and then helps determine annual goals.
Current Functional Performance (includes the following):
- Activities and skills not considered academic or directly related to a child’s academic achievement. Academic achievement generally refers to a child’s performance in academic content areas (e.g., reading or language arts, math, science, history).
- Routine activities of daily living.
- Skills needed for independence and performance at school, in the home, in the community, for leisure time, and for post-secondary and life-long learning.
- Motor skills, personal care, time and money, school/work habits, home/community orientation.
- Behavior and interpersonal relationships.