Campus Connect
Campus Connect is an innovative approach to inclusive post-secondary education for students with disabilities. The Campus Connect program is a partnership between Madison College and Madison Metropolitan School District. The program takes place on the Madison College campus and provides an opportunity for students who require more than the traditional level of support to be successful in a college environment. Campus Connect has the goal of providing relevant postsecondary academic preparation leading to long term gainful employment in an area identified by the student and related to their college degree path.
This program is currently only open to MMSD students, with instruction taking place at the Truax Madison College campus. Campus Connect has a core College and Career Readiness course (3 credits) that is required for all students in the summer. Students are required to enroll in a minimum of one class of 3 credits and can take up to 6 credits per semester. To assist students in successfully progressing in a college environment, three full-time MMSD teachers have been established to provide tutoring, coordination with disability resource center, and collaborative accommodation arrangements with course instructors. Campus Connect is a fully integrated program with all instruction from Madison College professors, additional tutoring/instruction/support is provided by an onsite MMSD teacher. The goal of providing integrated academic and vocational learning opportunities for students with disabilities is jointly held by Madison College and MMSD.
Additional Information
Students can attend this program if they are still enrolled in high school and are 18 years or older.
Number of students in this program: 40
Top 3 Priority Areas: employement, college course access, self-determination