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Madison Metropolitan School District

Restorative Justice Resources/Supports

Books / Articles 

Web Resources

The Circle Process

A Circle is a carefully constructed and intentional process for dialogue around important, and often difficult, issues. The process is rooted in values that nurture healthy relationships, and in indigenous teachings which emphasize interconnectedness and the importance of each part (person) of the whole. The structural elements of the Circle organize the interaction in the Circle, allow the values to come to life, and participants to interact with each other in meaningful and constructive ways.


Books (all available for loan through the RJ Lending Library)

  • Building a Home for the Heart, Patricia Thalhuber

  • Changing Lenses, Howard Zehr

  • Circle Forward, Carolyn Boyes-Watson & Kay Pranis (also available for purchase, $46)
  • Circle in the Square, Nancy Riestenberg
  • Creating Restorative Schools, Martha Brown
  • Heart of Hope, Carolyn Boyes-Watson & Kay Pranis
  • Justice on Both Sides: Transforming Education Through Restorative Justice, Maisha T. Winn
  • LIttle Book of Circle Processes, Kay Pranis
  • Little Book of Restorative Discipline for Schools, Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz & Judy Mullet
  • Little Book of Restorative Justice in Education, Kathy Evans & Dorothy Vaandering
  • Little Book of Race and Restorative Justice, Fania Davis (expected date of publication: 4/2/2019)



Web Resources

Training Opportunities

  • Restorative Justice/Circle Training (some work on RJ beliefs, values and framework; attention to practices of Circle and restorative conversation)
    December 4-5, 8:30-4 each day
    Register through MMSD Talent Portal

  • Restorative Practices in Schools Trainings, annually in June, offered through MN Dept of Ed
  • Summer Peacebuilding Institute, annually May - June, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, EMU


  • Data Snapshot: OUSD and Rutgers Study
  • The Promise of Restorative Practices to Transform Teacher - Student Relationships and Achieve Equity in School Discipline, Anne Gregory, Rutgers
  • Restorative Justice in Oakland Schools: Implementation and Impact